A first draft attempt at codifying when things happened in Shrilk.

I tried to at least estimate on everything, but if it's got a ? after it, it's still completely subject to change.

Note that almost nothing is known, IC, of events more than 3,000 years ago. Due to poor nutrtion and medicine, the modern gryphon lifespan is about 70-80 on average, with occasional exceptions that run into the 200-300 year range and the extremely rare magically prolonged lifespans of much greater. Under best of conditions, the average gryphon's span is more like 150-200 years, but it's been a long time since those conditions pervailed.

Today Life goes on
2005 Cigwlad opens it's interfaces to the rest of the spheres.
2003? Leopard Sun incident (Antius III sphere created).
2002? Dove largely restores Shkrill enclave, but it remains unused.
2002? Elizzarraraz rises to power in Shkrill
2001? Sharrah struck down
2001? Grylra starts concerted effort to build a library.
2000/2001? Grylra's Winter Festival moved to the pyramid
2000? Dove renders Shkrill enclave largely uninhabitable, Shkrill move to Stormguard and Crag.
2000? Chiurfa, librarian of Windhaven, dies of old age. Ja'hreet takes his place.
1999? Interface to Krrzn'tai re-sealed, sphere grounded for a year.
1999? Krrzn'tai barrier fails, they break through into Shrilk, causing great devestation.
1983? Stormdancer recognized as leader of Grylra
1975? Hersy supplanted as leader of Grylra
1916? Sharrah rises to power in Shkrill
1928-1975? Hersy leader of Grylra
1668? Fall of Raenlocke - city scourged to the ground.
1667? Battle over what would later be known as the Valley of the Damned
1652? Start of second civil war
1440? Grylra formally recognized.
1410 End of first civil war.
1329? Fall of Evarim, start of great civil war
1200-1300 Old empire at it's peak.
-20 Interface to Krrzn'tai strengthened and recharged.
-2000 Interface to Krrzn'tai strengthened and recharged.
-4000 Interface to Krrzn'tai enormously improved.
-???? Windhaven, Raenlocke, Evarim, Shkrill founded - any ideas?
-6000 to
War on Krrzn'tai. Interface to Krrzn'tai sealed.
-8000 Shrilk snapshot taken, sphere formed.