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[2000 winter festival index]

Winter festival of 2000, day ???.

Late evening, Day 3?

Base of the Pyramid - Shrilk Crossroads
This is the east side of the base of the mighty obsidian pyramid created by the Core computer. From this vantage point you can barely make out the glittering portal at the top. There is a large clearing surrounding the pyramid, and it is increasingly filled with gryphons. Hundreds of them, possibly thousands, of all sizes, colors, ages and dispositions, all either engaged in helping with the final set-up of facilities, or simply enjoying what's already there.
What is normally a quiet area has now become something just short of chaos, with the a massive festival under construction. Tents, booths and tables are scattered everywhere, holding food, drink and all manner of goods. And gryphons from every part of the sphere are poking around exploring what others have brought... everything from toys to weapons, food to wine... and artisans doing feather-paiting, beak or claw honing... if it can be imagined by a gryphon, it will probably be seen here at some time during the next few days.
Beyond this chaos lays dense trees... though there are a number of gryphons setting up sleeping areas, along with what looks like some sort of crude medical facility.
Rutted dirt paths run in three directions from here, one east, one north and one south.
Tent of Silk
Obvious exits:
Fly North East South West Climb the Pyramid

Aubri lays down to get painted, finally? :>

Kai'liai is glad to finally have found Aubri again, and happily leads him to her booth, to sit (or lay, really) in the sling she's made, to make it easier for gryphons, so they won't have to stand so still for so long! "I'm glad you came back again! I tried to find you this morning, but... there's so many, and I really didn't want to wake anybody up..."

Aubri chuckles and nods.. "I'm sorry, I slept late." He climbs up onto the odd hammock, grinning a little. "Nice to see you again.."

Kai'liai shakes her head. "It's alright, I really needed some rest, and I got it today. I got lots of sketching and drawing done!" She strokes her fingers gently down your wings and sides, getting a feel for their texture. Everyone's been just a little bit different, and she's been intrigued at the subtle ways it affects the dyes.

Aubri spreads his wings wide and relaxes with a soft churr. "I think it'd look good going up the edge of the secondaries and maybe along the leading edge..."

Kai'liai oohhhhs, and touches her hand to her muzzle. "I hadn't thought of that... I've done so many just in the thick of the feathers..." She steps around close to your front, holding a tall stool with padding on the top and a wide base. "Here, could you spread your wing out for me, so I can see better?"

Aubri nods and stretches it wide, ruffling the feathers. The secondaries are the feathers that give the wing its thickness at the front, tapering out about midway down the chord of the wing.

Rakintaa strolls by. "Another customer, I see."

Kai'liai slips the stool under the wrist of the huge expanse of wing. "There, you won't get so tired..." she says, stroking her fingers down the leading edge, exploring... she's never done anything with these feathers... what a neat challenge! "This could be really neat... just the leading and trailing edges?" She nods and smiles to Rakintaa. "I'm just about out of dyes now... I saved the ones I wanted to use for him, and then that's about all I've got!"

Rakintaa says, "I hope you're being paid well for your skill. And your dyes." in common.

Aubri shakes his head a little.. "Right along here.." He points with his beak to a spot halfway between the leading and trailing edges, the tips of the covert feathers on top. "See the line here? Down along there to the leading edge.."

Kai'liai smiles warmly to Rakintaa, and nods. "I've gotten some beautiful beautiful furs, a bunch of feathers to practice on, and some really neat little sculptures and things. I've been having a wonderful time!" She sits on her own, shorter stool, her knees under (and partially supporting) Aubri's outstretched wing. She chews her lower lip as she looks carefully at the patterns, stroking and touching the feathers, moving them slightly this way and that as she gets a feel for how the natural pattern can be accented.

Rakintaa smiles, nodding approvingly.

Aubri purrrs softly, grinning a little. "You just do this because you like petting gryphon feathers, right? :>"

Kai'liai hmms again, and then gets out a scrap of paper, and sketches a quick sample feather, then draws a sample of the base pattern she's considering. "Something like this, maybe? Repeated along here... uhmmm... probably squeezing up when we get to this spot..." she touches near the middle joint, "then out again?"

Aubri looks on quietly, then nods. "I like it. You've got a good eye for gryphon tastes.." He grins a little, stretching his wing a bit. "Although I can't speak for what some windhaveners might like.."

Kai'liai looks very pleased! She wasn't sure, when she came, if she could ever come up with anything that would please these beautiful strange creatures, but so far... almost everyone's been happy with her ideas. "You know... I think I've got enough... well... let me do the basic design first. If you're not tired of it by then, maybe I'll do a tiny little touch of blue inside the black? Like a sunglint?"

Aubri laughs a little. "If you're up to it, I think that'd look great.."

Krrk arrives from the southerly path.
Krrk pads in quietly

Aubri chews lightly on a talon, purring quietly as the unicorn starts to work. "Not too ostentatious, though.. :>"

Kai'liai smiles, and goes for her dyepots and brushes. "Oh, it'll be really subtle, I think..." she whickers, sitting back down. She puts a soft cloth over your wing where she's working, so she won't mess up your feathers, and starts to work, doing the first strokes of brown all in one pass, carefully slipping each feather out a little to do the mark, then guiding it back in.

Rakintaa says something unintelligible.

Krrk looks curiously at whatthe unicorn does, standing close but not ostentatiously so

Aubri nods at Rakintaa and gapegrins. "And maybe Windhaveners," he winks. "Just kidding," he chirps, waving his free wing as it to fend off any retorts.

Krrk watches curiouslyand quietly, cocking her head left and right, eyes sharp and clear

Rakintaa says something unintelligible.

Kai'liai finds it easier to work from the front of your wing, though once or twice she stands up and looks down for a better view, just making sure everything's lining up right. She smiles at Aubri as he replies to Rakintaa's squawked words, and lifts her brush until he's still again.

Kai'liai is very flattered by those words, once translated, and she blushes happily. "Thank you so much!" she says in bashful tones. Someone thinks she's not an amateur! An important someone! Wow! *glow!*

Kai'liai finishes with the brown part of her pattern, carefully caps the pot and brush, picking up another one to do the gold. "This dye is a liiiitle sticky, Aubri, so I'm going to hold each feather out for a little bit longer, so it can dry, okay?"

Krrk sits down out of the way over by herself

Aubri nods. "Take as long as you want. I'm in no hurry." He chirps and fluffs up his feathers as much as possible, trying to help.

Kai'liai smiles happily, and starts to work again, leaning over the heavy spread of wing, carefully lifting out each feather in turn, tugging just a little, and making the gold highlite line. She holds each one and leans over to blow on it, making sure it's dried before letting it slip back under the others, and picking out the next.

Krrk puts her head on her forelegs and sighs

Aubri trills a little at the ticklish sensation and flicks his tail. "Thinking of getting somthing done yourself, your highness?" he asks Rakintaa.

Kai'liai gets a little tricky where feathers overlap, unconciously sticking her tongue out to 'help' steady her brush.

Rakintaa smiles. "I think our artist is out of dye. I don't usually dye myself, anyway."

Kai'liai is actually a little relieved to hear that... the idea of dying the leader of a whole aerie is just really scary!

Aubri chuckles.. "You've got people to get painted FOR you, right? :>"

Rakintaa cocks her head. "I'm sorry?"

Aubri shakes his head, "Never mind... :>"

Keereth finnaly breaks her feaned lack of interest, moving closer to watch.

Kai'liai tries to smother a giggle at that... and only sort of manages.... she tries to hide it by sitting up and stretching, taking a breath... then leaning back over again. "Almost done..." she whickers.

Krrk looks over at Rakintaa

Aubri says, "...with THAT wing... :>" in common.

Krrk takes out a haunch and begins to eat if no one objects

Kai'liai giggles, and nods. "Yep! But I think this is gonna look really nice... what a good idea! I never thought of doing it this way."

Kai'liai finishes the gold, and pauses to rub the muscles on the front and underside of Aubri's wing. "Doing OK? Need to stretch or anything before I do the black?"

Krrk breaks a few bones as shebolds down some lunch

Aubri murrrs and smiles a little. "I'm fine, but if you don't stop doing that soon I might get to like it... :>"

Krrk offers some of her kill to the other griffins if they should like

Kai'liai smiles, and pats the side of Aubri's beak gently. "I'll be careful, then..." she teases, leaning over to get the last of the three colors used in this design. The black goes pretty quickly, since it's a very basic dye that sets well and dries fast.

Krrk preens and cleans herself

Aubri purrs and nips playfully at her. "I'll try to control myself," he chuckles.

Kai'liai blinks and flicks ears and tail at the nip... She starts to answer... pinkens slightly, and decides to keep her muzzle shut! She contrates carefully on the final trailing lines of black, sits up... thinks... studies... then draws five small almost wedge-shaped lines in front of the secondaries, accenting Aubri's natural markings just a little, bringing the whole effect together a little.

Krrk looks admringly at the artwork and alittle enviously

Kai'liai stands triumphantly, then bends over at the waist, stretching her back. "Oooh... sore! But I think that looks really good!" She drags her stool over to your other wing, then goes back and lifts the one she just finished, easing it up off the stool. "Flex it just a little? Don't flap, just a slow up and down?"

Krrk says, "Hello?" in common.

Aubri lifts his wing a bit and looks it over proudly, churring and moving it up and down slightly. "Very nice, I like it!"

Kai'liai looks over to the relatively new arrival. "Hi...." she answers back, giving a faint wave.. then watching as Aubri fans his wing. "Whew! I'm glad! I hope it's like you want... 'cause this one's gonna be just like it!"

Krrk nods to the polite Unicorn

Aubri murrs, "Do you need to take a break?" he asks, stretching the other wing out for you as he folds the first stiffly.

Kai'liai looks hopeful. "Would you mind? Just for a minute? I love doing those close little designs, but it's hard leaning over your wing like that."

Aubri nodnods, "I don't mind at all! You're the artist.."

Kai'liai sighs with relief, and plops down on the ground in front of Aubri. "Thanks... just a minute to stretch my back and shoulder... and arm... " She rubs at the side of her long slender neck, just at the shoulder.

Krrk approaches timidly, "I can fix that not if you would like......

Kai'liai looks at Krrk questioningly, then oh's softly. "Oh, thanks... that's okay though, I'm fine. I just need to drink more water, I guess!"

Aubri cranes his neck down to nibble lightly at her shoulder. "You seem to enjoy your work, at least!"

Krrk nods and retreats taking that as a rejection....

Kai'liai pales a little (as if you could tell!) when that big beak descends to her shoulder... but she's grown trusting of these people, and the instinct passes quickly. "I really do... I never thought... I mean... you know... when I came, I figured maybe one or two would want me to paint them, but... wow! I can't even count all the ones I've done!"

Krrk sits down with herhead on her forepaws looing a bit dejected

Aubri laughs a little and nods. "You came at just the right time, I think," he grins, squeezing her shoulder with one claw.

Kai'liai mmms, and leans foreward a little... that felt better than she would've thought! "I guess I did! I mean, I was coming for the festival already, but... well... I just didn't know!" She rubs her cheek briefly, then asks "Ready for some more?"

Aubri nodnods, "If you are. Rest as long as you need--I'm the one who has to live with the patterns.. :>"

Kai'liai laughs at that, and holds out her hand, flexing the fingers and rolling her wrist. "I'm fine..." she decides, sitting up again. "You'll be gorgeous. MORE gorgeous, I mean..." she teases.

Krrk nods dejectedlyto Ausith

Aubri laughs and ruffles his feathers in pleasure. "Thank you." He holds his wing still, grinning happily.

Ausith pauses in his pigging out to pull a nice-looking morsel from a carcass and offer it to the sad-looking gryphon.

Kai'liai slips the bracing stool under the outstretched wing, and begins again... just as much care and time, smooth careful and steady.

Krrk just shakes her head

Kai'liai finishes up, more decisive with the five finishing strokes foreward of the secondaries. She nods once, sharply, and seems quite pleased. "That's just really nice... you've got a fun pattern to work with, Aubri."

Aubri trills and looks at himself, flicking his wings and grinning wide. "Thanks a lot, you did a wonderful job!" He nudges her hand lightly with his beak as he slides out of the hammock.

Krrk says, "Hello Ausith" in common.

Ausith looks about, scanning the crowds for a familiar face. "Hrrrr...has anybody seen Surukk?"

Kai'liai smiles happily, stroking his beak and crest gently. "I'm really glad you like it! Really, I enjoyed it..."

Ausith just had his feathers painted...but the unicorn obviously has a gifted touch. Perhaps he will trade for similar work on his.

Krrk says, "Am I reallyhatedthat much I cannot even be allowed in socially?" in common.

Ausith looks back at Krrk, pussled momentarily, as it has been a long while since he saw her. "Hrrrr, good day, Krrk. I did not see you at Grylra when I visited. Have you moved on from there?"

Krrk says, "No Ausith, I am just invisable as usual it would seem......" in common.

Aubri flickers his wings and chirps. He digs a few rarely-used discs out of a pouch around his neck, giving the money to Kai'liai. "See you later!.."

Kai'liai smiles happily and bows to him.. "Thank you so much, Aubri... fly well!"

Aubri churrs and nodnods. "I will, thank you!"

Ausith says something unintelligible.

Krrk says, "I am glad you are well Ausith...I take it that is your Matriarch, Rakintaa I have heard of?" in common.

Krrk says, "I just offered a carcass and did not even get a glance let alone a refusal... life IS so pleasant' she says mockingly" in common.

Ausith turns his attention to Kai'liai for a moment, chirrking to catch her attention. "Rrrr, if you would; I have a few small things I can trade, as well. I would love to get my feathers painted." He gryns at Aubri. "Featherpainting? Are you planning on defection to Windhaven, perhaps?"

Ausith shrugs a wing, looking back to Krrk..."With so much food here, could be nobody really noticed. Thank you for bringing it, though."

Aubri laughs a little. "Let's just say I was feeling particularly hedonistic?"

Ausith rrrowls at Aubri, and waggles his tufted ears. "Oh...just *how* hedonistic?" he chirrrs, snaking his tail fore and back behind him.

Kai'liai smiles to Ausith, glancing over his current paintings. "I would like to, but I'm really almost out of dyes... it would have to be pretty small..." She tilts her head back and forth, looking at his face and neck.

Ausith tips his head this way and that, posing regally.

Krrk says, "WHat have you been busy with Ausith?" in common.

Ausith gryns. "Walking...and walking, and more walking, mostly. I ferried messages and gifts back and forth between Grylra and Windhaven while flight was not possible."

Krrk says, "If you ever wish company, I am alonemost of the time...I'd behappy to help" in common.

Kai'liai hmms, sitting down. "I wonder if ... maybe... just around the nares..." she mutters to herself, still looking at Ausith's face.

Ausith says something unintelligible.

Krrk says, "I live oustide it, I still train their fighters, but it seems I am still not accepted" in common.

Kai'liai just rests, sitting on the ground, idly rubbing her wrist, watching and listening.

Aubri stretches his wings and slowly, with a lot of flapping, takes off in a cloud of dust. He trills happily as he flies, gliding heavily over the festival as if to show off his new feather paints.

Ausith chirrs to the small group, politely excusing himeslf. "I have to go home for a short while. I have something I need to get for trade...and I would like to see if Surukk is back there, too."

Krrk says, "Clear Skies Ausith" in common.

Krrk says, "Thanks for talking with me" in common.

Rakintaa smiles a bit, slowly stretching. "Good night, Ausith."

Kai'liai waves. "Clear skies, Ausith!" she echoes, having picked up the phrase.

Ausith beaktaps Krrk. "Good day, and make sure to enjoy the festival. I am sure you are as sick of eating fish as I am." He ruffles a few of Rakintaa's headfeathers. "You, too. Save me a liver, hrrrr?"

Rakintaa says something unintelligible.

Ausith wings his way into the air.

Ausith has left.

A gryphon shaped shadow whisks overhead.

Kai'liai watches as Aubri flys around, smiling as she catches glimpses of the pattern when he banks and turns.

Krrk nods politelyto Rakintaa

Krrk says, "Are you Rakintaa?" in common.

Rakintaa blinks, looking back.. "Hrm? Yes, I am.."

Krrk nods "pleased to meet you matriarch

Rakintaa nods... "And you are..?"

Returning to the space in front of Kai's tent, Aubri folds his wings and lands with a resounding THUMP. "I apologize, I'd normally be more graceful, but the way magic's been... One just doesn't get as much lift as usual."

Krrk says, "I am Krrr most grifs do not really appreciate my present's it seems, I am an independant, hunted by the Shkrill, and I help train the Grylra here, in return for some small considerations" in common.

Kai'liai laughs, clasping her hands together in delight. "That was wonderful! I've heard how hard it is to fly, from so many... I think that's why they're getting their wings painted, to celebrate being able to fly again!"

Krrk says, "I have alot of respect for WIndhaven" in common.

Rakintaa nods slightly. "As you say. What sort of 'considerations'?"

Krrk says, "well mostely the protection of a social group from teh Shkrill..and some land to live on" in common.

Rakintaa says something unintelligible.

Krrk says, "combat..... I don't know much else" in common.

Rakintaa says something unintelligible.

Krrk says, "I wish I coudl learn more" in common.

Krrk says, "Well look atthe griffins here... not even the Unicorn gives me much of a thought, I am NOT accepted, it's been months since I have even had anyone who would preen where I can not reach" she turns showing the tangled feathers at the back of her head" in common.

Krrk says, "I did not knwo we even had aunicorn here" in common.

Rakintaa gives a slight shrug. "Learning is not something that requires acceptance. It's a personal challenge." She glances at Krrk.

Krrk says, "it also usually requires, or is expidited by an instructor, thats why I teach others" in common.

Rakintaa says, "Rrrhm? I thought you said you were not accepted." in common.

Krrk says, "what did I say to make that seem in error?' she askes generally confused 'I am accepted as an instructor for my ability, I am not accepted socially I do not think" in common.

Kai'liai decides the strange gryphon and Rakintaa are going to be in conversation for a while, so she goes wandering off for something to eat and drink.

Krrk says, "Woudl you join us Unicorn?" in common.

Rakintaa says, "Being a teacher is a social position." in common.

Krrk says, "you are undoubtedly right..but I am still lonely and uneducated" in common.

Rakintaa says, "All right... so are you simply going to complain about it to anyone who will listen, or is there a point?" in common.

Kai'liai pauses, then shakes her head. "I need something to drink," she explains. "And I don't think I have much to say..."

Krrk says, "I just want to have friends....and not be excluded... not sure how to do that,but you ARE a Matriarch...and I do listen..." in common.

Krrk turnsherheadto the Unicorn 'O.k. but..your really very nice, som etiem I would liek to know you...please

Aubri pads after Kai, chirping softly. "I think I need somthing too, after sitting for so long..."

Kai'liai is a little suprised by that, but just smiles, and waves. "Maybe so..." She nods to Aubri, and walks along with him. "Do you know any good places?"

Aubri nodnods, "There's a vendor near the pyramid with good wine.. Ah, be sure to specify /grape/ wine."

Kai'liai decides she probably doesn't even want to know what other kinds of wine might be made out of! "Thanks... I'll do that."

And here we draw to a close for the night.
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[2000 winter festival index]