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[2000 winter festival index]

Winter festival of 2000, day 3

Early morning, day three

Base of the Pyramid - Shrilk Crossroads
This is the east side of the base of the mighty obsidian pyramid created by the Core computer. From this vantage point you can barely make out the glittering portal at the top. There is a large clearing surrounding the pyramid, and it is increasingly filled with gryphons. Hundreds of them, possibly thousands, of all sizes, colors, ages and dispositions, all either engaged in helping with the final set-up of facilities, or simply enjoying what's already there.
What is normally a quiet area has now become something just short of chaos, with the a massive festival under construction. Tents, booths and tables are scattered everywhere, holding food, drink and all manner of goods. And gryphons from every part of the sphere are poking around exploring what others have brought... everything from toys to weapons, food to wine... and artisans doing feather-paiting, beak or claw honing... if it can be imagined by a gryphon, it will probably be seen here at some time during the next few days.
Beyond this chaos lays dense trees... though there are a number of gryphons setting up sleeping areas, along with what looks like some sort of crude medical facility.
Rutted dirt paths run in three directions from here, one east, one north and one south.
Tent of Silk
Obvious exits:
Fly North East South West Climb the Pyramid

Taareek waves to the unicorn.

Kai'liai yawns and rubs her eyes, still curled up in her makeshift bed.

Kai'liai crawls out from under her layers of cloth, and the two heavy furs she traded for over the last few days. Sitting up, she yawns again, stretches, and rubs her eyes again, looking around the scattered sleeping forms, and the awake ones.

Taareek slightly naps with his legs tucked under him, ears twitching every few seconds. Hearing the sounds other then someone sleeping, he opens an eye to look.

Kai'liai stands up and stretches her arms back up over her head, then runs her fingers through her tangled mane. "Oh, I must look awful..." she mutters, sitting down on the stool in her now fairly chaotic looking little space. She digs in her pack for a brush, and starts to work the tangles from her mane and tail.

Taareek shifts positions just slightly, wrapping his wings around his body for a little extra warmth.

Kai'liai finishes up with that, and wraps herself up in a few extra layers of clothing, finishing with her now dirty and stained cloak, and goes in search of bathroom & breakfast. The first is managed way off in the woods somewhere, the second she brings to the glowing coals and ashes of one of the bonfires, basking in it's heat. She smiles a little at the sight of Taareek, and the scattered dozens of other sleeping gryphons.

A standard size gryphon is Taareek, though his coloring might make him stand out more. From the top of his eagle head to the tuft of the lion tail, he is covered in black as if a shadow come to life, the feathers blending seamlessly with the fur starting at his shoulders Even his beak and nails are black, looking like sets of ebony knives. His dark wings rest against his back when on the ground, blending in with the rest of his body. The only break in the blackness are a set of deep green eyes, like spring grass.

Taareek smiles back from his spot on the ground. "Hello again. Sleep well?"

Kai'liai sips her mug of steaming tea. "Like a stone," she says with a nod. "I haven't been so tired since my training! Did you?"

Taareek grins and nods. "That I did. Jenna led me to a nice groove to stay the night in."

Kai'liai smiles. "Sounds nice... I had a couple of offers like that, but... ummm... I decided I'd better just stay here. The cutest little gryphlet spent a few hours snuggled with me, though, and that was sweet. At least it was once he stopped thinking I was food."

Taareek chuckles. "Well, I hope such things let you feel more comfortable among these kind."

Kai'liai nods, munching on some sort of flatbread. "I usually feel pretty safe, when I'm someplace like this, you know... where I'm invited. The trip here was kinda rough, but wow... it's been worth it!"

Taareek smiles and nods. "The work you did on Jenna was definatly worth having you here."

Kai'liai smiles, bowing her head a little. "I'm glad you liked it... I thought it turned out pretty good! Sometimes simple is best..."

Kai'liai grins, and winks. "You didn't smear it up, did you?"

Taareek nods. "And with her coloring most anything works." He chuckles. "No, no...didn't have time for that."

Kai'liai says, "Well, the dye was mostly dried before she left, it would have taken a lot to smear it. If you flew anywhere, I'm sure it was set before you landed." in common.

Kai'liai smiles to see one of her other patrons from the last couple of days waking and stretching out his wings, chittering happily as he looks across them.

Taareek looks over too and smiles. "Seem you're quite popular here...you definatly found a good business."

Kai'liai finishes off her flatbread and tea. "More than I thought I could! Sure kept me busy... and I think I did okay with trades, too. Though really I mostly did it for fun and experience. I'm just happy everyone seems to like what I did!"

Taareek nods. "You sure were a hit apprently. Even better I'm sure are the friends you met during it."

Kai'liai grimaces at her ink-stained fingertips. "Yeah... I think I'll be coming back for this every year, if I can! And maybe to Windhaven this summer, when I get the leave saved up."

Taareek nods again and smiles.

Kai'liai wipes her fingers on the grass, then on a rag tucked into her sash... neither does much for the multicolored smears on her otherwise pale fingers. "You and Jenna seemed really happy together... did I hear right that you're a real recent Entry?"

Taareek nods, gesturing his beak to the pyramid. "Found myself in there just yesterday. Jenna was here with another drake."

Kai'liai grins, and rolls her shoulders, working out some stiffness. "You're adjusting faster than I did... I wandered around in a daze for a week!" She tilts her head sideways a little, looking at you. "Uhm... 'with'... like, just together?" She's still working out how gryphons are about things like that.

Taareek grins. "They were enjoying the festival seperatly."

Kai'liai ahhhs, seeming a little relieved. Though the things she's seen in the last couple of days have left her with /very/ little unknown about certain gryphon habits! Yipe!

Taareek says something unintelligible.

Kai'liai flicks her ears a little. "Sorry?" She doesn't understand your language much at all.

Taareek coughs slightly. "Sorry, still inexpericed here. It was Jenna who approached me first. I got into telling her a story..."

Kai'liai smiles. "That's ok... I kinda forget myself, when I get excited about something. She's... well... seems like she's pretty foreward about what she wants! I guess most gryphons are?"

Taareek chuckles. "From what I saw last night, I guess so."

Taareek nods to Trishka in greeting.

Trishka climbs to her feet, dipping her head in greeting.

Taareek smiles at the waking hen. "Hello."

Kai'liai smiles and waves at Tishka from her spot near the warm coals and ashes of one of the bonfires.

Trishka parts her beak in a returning smile, dipping her head once again, "Hello, my name is Trishka, nice to meet you."

Rather short for her species stands a gryphon that by the coloration of her beak, and the sheen of her feathers, appears to have just entered adulthood. She glances around uneasily with her amber eyes, her tufted ears lay flat against her head, radiating bewilderment with her every motion. Except for the black tufts on her ears, her eagle-like head is covered with soft white feathers that run her neck to join with her leonine body at her shoulders, intermingling with her soft tan fur. Her lion like tail with its tufted black tip swishes from side to side, and her wings fluff out, displaying their dark grey feathers that fades to white at the flight feathers, and the soft down where they join her body.

Kai'liai really can't keep up very well with who she's met and who she hasn't! "Hi, Trishka... I'm Kai'liai..."

Taareek purrrs. "And I am Taareek."

Taareek tilts his head at Trishka. "Really...I arrived here myself yesterday.'

Trishka turns to Taareek, "You arrived too? I must have fallen asleep before you arrived, I was tired after all that happened."

Taareek hmmmms. "I don't remember seeing you around last night, but then how crowded it was, it's not surprising."

Trishka opens her beak in a yawn and shakes her head, fluffing out her feathers... "I found a nice quiet place behind the tents where I would not be disturbed."

Kai'liai laughs quietly. "I was so tired I think someone could have walked on me and I wouldn't have waked up!"

Trishka parts her beak in a smile, "YES! And arriving just when the festival here has started... It is no wonder that it was so busy. No wonder I was tired."

Taareek smiles. "Yes, it was good timing to arrive for the festival."

Kai'liai watches a boistrous pair of young gryphons running around flapping madly, carreening through the tents and over many a sleeper.

Trishka starts to preen herself again, gently swishing her tail.. keeping one eye on the pair of gryphons.

Taareek watches the rest of the crowds too, black tail twitching slowly.

Kai'liai rubs her shoulders, watching Trishka preen... always sort of an amazing sight, to her.

Trishka clicks her beak, "I think I should try to remember where that quiet sleeping place was that I foind last night..."

Kai'liai says, "Well, I think it's probably going to get a lot quieter today and tonight... I've heard last night was the official end. But... well..." She shrugs expressively. "I don't think everyone's ready to leave yet!" in common.

Taareek nods. "I heard that too, though some old gryphon came back and friends of Jenna seemed excited. I'm sure there will be a celebration again soon."

Kai'liai perks her ears. "Oh? Who was that?"

Taareek tries to think. "Jenna referred to him as 'Ma'...Surukk, I believe."

Trishka tilts her head listening.. replying in common "I think I need to try to find myself a home soon. This was a good place, but I shall not feel as safe once everyone moves away."

Taareek nods. "I was invited to stay in WindHaven; perhaps you can find a place there as well."

Kai'liai blinks! "Ohmigosh! Surukk? Wow! Really? He's supposed to be a really powerful trader... or was, I hear... wow... I hope he sticks around, I've been wanting to meet him!"

Taareek tilts his head at Kai. "Yes, I heard something about trading...Jenna...introduced me to him..."

Kai'liai says, "He's her father, or something, right? I mean, Mother..."

Taareek blinks at Kai.

Kai'liai eeps, and covers her muzzle with one hand. "Sorry... I mean, she's his offspring, right? It's been a long time since I read that report..."

Taareek nods. "That's what I understand..." He shifts a little uncomfortably.

Trishka says, "Taareek, have you learnt how to fly yet?" in common.

Taareek nods. "A little. Taking off is easy apprently, but the landings are hard. I was hearing stories about the magic being gone and now slowly coming back."

Kai'liai sees that something's making Taareek uncomfortable, and decides to leave it be, content to listen to the two gryphons talking. Their voices are a little grating to her ears, used to her much more musical speech, but there's still something fascinating about it.

Trishka sighs, nodding her head. "Yes, I met Jenna too and she told me that it there was something wrong with the magic... I have been too afraid to try to fly since."

Taareek smiles at Trishka. "Well, I've done some flying since arriving here, but I think the magic helped."

Kai'liai looks about to say something, then lays her ears back and decides to hold her peace. Really, this is probably stuff for gryphons to tell them about, not an outsider. She plays with a 'small' feather she collected from her work... almost as long as her forearm.

Taareek rests back on his haunches.

Kai'liai hmms softly, gazing at Taareek... then gets up from her spot near the fire and goes over to her tent, rummaging around in her pack for a bit, finally coming up with a pad and pencil. "Would you mind if I sketched you, Taareek?" she asks tenatively.

Taareek smiles at Kai, sitting up a little strighter. "Wouldn't mind at all...though I don't have anything for trade."

Kai'liai smiles, shaking her head. "No, no... I just like sketching... and I haven't really had any spare time to do it, since I got here." She sits down crosslegged in front of the drake, a little ways off. "I would like to keep the picture, though, if that's OK? Kind of ... you know... memories of everything here?"

Taareek smiles again. "Oh, of course. Though I'm sure you'll make it back."

Trishka walks over to settle behind Kai, watching her as she prepares to sketch Taar. "I hope you do not mind if I watch?"

Kai'liai glances over her shoulder. "Um...well, no, sure, I guess I don't mind..." She flips her pad to a blank page, skipping past a number of other sketches, mostly of trees, mountains, and a few creatures from her own sphere.

Taareek tries to hold himself still enough for the sketch.

Kai'liai sketches much like she featherpaints... bold outlining strokes to begin with, then going back and adding detail. She spends a little more time on the claws and face, blushing a little as she sketches in more intimate details. She'd be too embarrased to do that if anything but another gryphon was watching!

Taareek twitches his tail lightly, glancing out of the corner of his eyes.

Kai'liai flips to a new page, and concentrates more on the face, trying to catch the way the corner of the beak works, and right around the eyes.... "You can relax... really, just sit normally... "

Taareek smiles a little, letting his body relax a bit then.

Kai'liai flips to a new page and comes up close. "You really don't mind? I'm sure there's other stuff you could be doing..." she worries.

Taareek smiles and shakes his head. "Don't mind at all. I'm not sure of my role here yet, so I have free time."

Kai'liai kneels in front of you, drawing out your face with more care this time... then on the same page, your foreclaws and hindpaws. Another page, doing the line between fur and feathers... indulging herself with a few other details... then finally she seems done. "Thanks so much! You were very patient..."

Taareek stretches his wings a little. "You're welcome. It's nice to be able to help."

Kai'liai has seen so many stretched-out wings she could probably draw them in her sleep, now! "So do you remember what you were before you came here? I'm just curious... I was an Entry too, and I really don't remember anything at all from before. At least, not anymore..."

Taareek shakes his head. "My memory is still a blank other then little things. Just scenes as seen through my eyes, so I can't tell what body I had before."

Kai'liai sits down next to you, and nods. "I know what you mean... it was all just like a dream for me, when I got to Kefetiu... and now, well... everything before then is a dream that I just can't remember. You know... like how you remember you had one, but you don't really remember what it was about? Just like that."

Taareek nods. "Exactly like that, though I believe I had wings before as I found it easy enough to fly."

Kai'liai oooohs. "Neat! I think I was sorta mostly like this... though I know I didn't have a tail... and I think my legs were different. I sure had a hard time walking, and I kept pinching my tail everywhere! Now, though... " she curls her tail up, then lets it lay across her legs, "... now I can't imagine being any different."

Taareek smiles. "Well, it's good you've gotten used to this one...do you have memories of doing the artistic stuff before coming here?"

Kai'liai shakes her head. "I don't think so... I remember I was really young, before... heh... lots of people told me I made them tired, I was so wound up and talky! I guess I still kinda am, but... I've tried to calm down, you know?"

Taareek smiles again and nods. "Perhaps then this is a second chance to live?"

Kai'liai says, "I think so... I talked to lotsa people in orientation about it, some of 'em were really old, some were hurt real bad... some even think they died. I don't know... nobody ever really seems to know why or how they get here, they just... get here!" in common.

Taareek nods slowly. "Be interesting to hear some people stories...I wonder if there is someone or some force that knows the history of each."

Jenna swoops in, flaring her wings to slow herself and touch down lightly to the ground, with a soft chirp she glances around, fluffing her feathers as she spots Taareek, she trots twords him, her wings opening a little.

Kai'liai shrugs a little, smoothing her mane back along her neck. "I dunno... each sphere seems to do things a little differently. We keep pretty good records in Kefetiu, but I don't think there are many, here. I mean, you don't even really have a reception facility..."

Taareek nods to Kai. "Might be something to look into..." He smiles as he sees Jenna come in.

Taareek smiles and pads over to greet Jenna with a nuzzle across her cheek. "Hello."

Jenna chirps happily, trilling a soft greeting to Taareek, her tail twitching a little, "Hiya! Did you sleep well? Are you having fun?"

Kai'liai didn't notice Jenna's arrival, but does smile when she approaches. "Hi there, Jenna."

Taareek nods. "Yes on both accounts. Kai here was had just finished doing some sketchings."

Jenna bobs her head a little, "What was she sketching?" she moves closer, then gently presses her head into Taareek's soft breast feathers, a soft churrr coming from her.

Taareek smiles, nuzzling between Jenna's. "Me. I didn't mind."

Kai'liai ducks her head slightly. "I haven't had a chance to draw anything since I got here..." she explains.

Jenna bobs her head a little, "Ohh, I wonder if I could ask her to draw me? I don't have any pictures of myself."

Kai'liai uhms softly. "Well, sure... I could do that..."

Jenna fluffs her white feathers up, her beak gaping in a little grin, then with a little giggle she hops next to Taareek and lifts a wing to rest it over his back.

Kai'liai stands up and moves off a little bit, so she can get the two large creatures in view easily. "Like that?" she asks, flipping to a fresh page in her sketchbook.

Jenna bobs her head a little, then poses, her head cocking and lifting in what she thinks might be a somewhat regal manor, spreading both her wings a little to display the blue highlights that Kai had added before.

Kai'liai smiles, and settles back to work... putting a bit more effort into this sketch, since it's actually for someone, not just herself.

Taareek smiles as he watches, draping his tail over Jenna's.

Kai'liai oohs and likes that, hurridly sketching the lay of the two tails together before they shift away again...

Jenna holds her pose carefully, waiting untell Kai tells her she can move, hunting small prey has tought her to hold motionliss for many hours.

Kai'liai makes the broad outlines of the two first, then concentrates on the places where they touch... then works in adding general textures and features... spending more time on the faces than she did just with Taareek, frowning and making occasional corrections...

Taareek sits still next to Jenna.

Jenna holds still.

Kai'liai finally finishes, takes a long deep breath to get her confidence settled, then carefully tears the page from her sketchpad, and offers it to Jenna. "Is this OK?" she asks hopefully.

Jenna carefully takes the page, holding it in her talons, though she does not move away from Taareek, then sensations of him being close is just to new for her, she lets out a soft purrr of pleasure ass she looks at the sketch

Kai'liai smiles, reassured by the purrrs.

Taareek peeks over Jenna's shoulder, then smiles at Kai. "Very ince."

Jenna smiles and gently strokes her beak along Kai's arm, "Thank you, its beautiful."

Kai'liai blushes pinkly about the muzzle and insides of her ears. "Thank you... I don't feel like I'm very good, but... that's why I keep practicing! It's just something... I dunno... that I feel like I have to do."

Jenna nods slowly, "Its hard to be sure of ones self sometimes."

Taareek nuzzles Jenna softly.

Jenna chirps softly and leans into Taareek's preening, her feathers fluffing happily

Kai'liai tries to weave a little common housemagic to get her clothes clean, but she's not very good at it under the best of circumstances, and gryphon magic is so different... not to mention weird and unpredictable. She gives up pretty quickly, and wonders if maybe she should wash them, or give up.

Taareek nibbles on Jenna's shoulder lightly, curious at what Kai is up to.

Jenna blinks and cocks her head a little, "What are you doing?" she asks Kai, leaning into Taareek warmly

Kai'liai looks up. "Uhm... just trying to get my clothes cleaned up. They've really gotten filthy!"

Jenna giggles a little, "Umm, maybe you can ask one of the mages? Thay are realy busy, but if you ask nice thay might be able to? I thik some of them can clean things."

Kai'liai looks down. "I guess I could... seems sort of silly... but... well, maybe I'll see if I can find one."

Jenna nods, "THe lake is close by too, you can clean your clothes there, but thay will be kinda wet a while.

Kai'liai says, "Mmmm. I could sure do with a bath, too... maybe I'll do that. Oooh I bet that water's cold though!" in common.

Jenna nods slowly, then with a grin, "Well, your coming to windhaven, right? We got great bathes there, and you can get clean there."

Kai'liai shakes her head. "I thought I'd just slip back through the gate. I mean, it's right there, and I'll be home inside an hour. It'd take me more than a day to hike to Windhaven."

Jenna nods, "But I thought you wanted to go to windhaven? Perhaps if you do go through the gate you can meet me in kefitui? I can bring you some more feathers even?

Kai'liai says, "Well, I thought about that... but I figured you wanted to wait until after you molted?" in common.

Jenna grins, "I got some from when I molted last year left, and I can get some from some of the other gryphons?

Kai'liai thinks about that. "Well... maybe it would be good. I was thinking about leaving tomorrow morning, anyway... I couldn't stay long, I've only got another three or four days off...."

Jenna nods slowly, "It is a long walk to WIndhaven from here, but maybe you can come visit another time?

Kai'liai nods, smiling. "This summer, I hope!"

Jenna nods slowly, "Well, I will be coming to Kefitui in a coupla days, gotta get some stuff togeather

Kai'liai says, "It must be nice to fly, here... I'm so used to taking the gates to get anywhere I need to go, that these long hikes are still sort of a suprise." in common.

Jenna bobs her head a little, "I love flying, its so nice to feel the air all around me.

Jenna preens Taareek softly and leans into his warm feathers

Taareek nuzzles the hen softly. "It's too bad we can't carry you, Kai."

Jenna says, "Well, thats a thought actualy, umm, would you be willing to trade a feather job too a few of my fellow windhaveners? Thay might be willing to carry you in a carry net."

Kai'liai looks puzzled, and says, "Sorry?"

Jenna blushes a little and repeats in common, "Well, thats a thought actualy, umm, would you be willing to trade a feather job too a few of my fellow windhaveners? Thay might be willing to carry you in a carry net.

Kai'liai gets disconnected, and doesn't return for quite a long time

Taareek presses lightly against Jenn'as side.

Jenna chirps softly and gnetly starts preening at Taareek's neck, then with a grin, she folds her wings, and moves to stand befor her, her head giving a little cock to look back at him.

Taareek smiles and now takes his now normal position over Jenna, keeping her between his legs.

Jenna grins and sits slowly, pulling you to sit with her, her feathers fluffing

Taareek snuggles down on top of you gently, nuzzling between your ears.

Jenna churrss softly and gnetly preens up at Taareek's beak, her feathers flufifng up softly, she wiggles closer into his soft fur, and lets her wings slip out behind his forelegs

Taareek purrrs as he keeps Jenna warmy under him. He hears the sound of someone stirring awake.

Jenna lifts her head a little, her head cocking, looking to see if others are near, then shakes her head and leans into Taareek's warmth

Taareek flicks his ears as they play tricks on him, going back to resting his head on top of Jenna's.

Jenna preens softly up at Taareek's beak

Taareek nibbles on Jenna's cheek.

Jenna fluffs her feathers softly

Taareek nuzzles Jenna.

Jenna shakes her head a little, then fluffs her soft white feathers and gently strokes the top of her head along his throat feathers

Taareek purrrs as he moves against the hen's back softly.

Jenna twitches, squirming a little into Taareek's warmth, then shakes herself a little, and settles, pushing her baser desires away for a momant

Taareek keeps Jenna warm under him, nuzzling slowly up and down her neck.

Jenna trills softly, then smiles, she wiggles out from under him, then spreads her wings, chirping softly to Taareek.

Taareek tilts his head at Jenna, stretching his wings as he gives a curious chrip.

Jenna leaps into the sky, catching air and flying up a little, then banking to circle slowly, she chirps softly down to Taareek, asking him to join her, in the air over the festivitys

Taareek smiles, taking a few step before pushing off into the air to join Jenna.

Jenna chirps happily and starts flying around Taareek, bending her wings to a patern that might be familure to thoes watching, dancing her love and joy around Taareek, in a courtship patern.

Taareek pumps his wings in a sort of hovering pattern, tilting his head as he watches the swooping Jenna.

Jenna almost flits through the air, freedome and flight, her wings pumping hard, then she brushes past Taareek, letting a wingtip just lightly touch his.

Taareek smiles as he continues to watch, fascinated by the display. He waits for a good point, then joins in, matching Jenna's movements.

Jenna chirps her excitement, spirling closer to Taareek, then away a little, her wings flashing light to the watches below.

Taareek waits for Jenna to get in close again, starting to loop around her body across the middle.

Jenna lets out a sharp skree, circling around Taareek, even as he loops around her, her wings flashing thorugh the air, her tail flicking a little

Taareek squaks back to Jenna, changing his flight to curl around the flying body while carefully avoiding the wings.

Jenna finnaly, heads down to the ground, her wings flaring a little, her tail flicking as she settles to the ground, she lets her wings droop, hre sides heaving as she pants for breath

Taareek looks as Jenna decends, following in a black spiral. He turns around so that he can land in front of her, wings still spread as he makes sure his feet are touching.

Jenna stands there for the momant, her sides heaving, her wings still drooping, then shudenly she shakes herself, letting hre feathers fluff up a little and carefully folding her wings, though thay droop a little with her tiredness

Taareek folds his wings to his back, padding over to Jenna. Starting against her breast, he slowly nuzzles upwards to her cheek.

Jenna pants softly, then she smiles and leans into Taareek's stroking, after a momant she says softly, "I just let everyone know how I feel about you." her feathers fluffing, bright white in the sunlight

Taareek smiles as he settles down before Jenna. "I'm honored that you would put on such a display for me."

Jenna 's breathing slowly eases, "If Jenna was in better condition Jenna would dance the sky all day long to show everyone how she feels."

Taareek presses his head against Jenna's, mrrring. "I think I got the idea." He smiles.

Jenna blushes a little and ducks her head, "I..I had to do something, or I was going to ask you to tell me another story, no matter who is watching."

Taareek chuckles, taking his turn to blush. "Well, I think perhaps such things should be done when we're alone..."

Jenna giggles a litle, "Thats why I danced, I wanted everyone to know what I feel.

Taareek smiles and licks Jenna's beak. "Good choice."

Jenna grins, "Not so sure...." then she blushes a little

Taareek smiles, nuzzling at Jenna softly.

Jenna fluffs nand leans into Taareek, her tail twitchng a little

Taareek turns so he can press his dark body against the lighter one, still nuzzling softly.

Jenna fluffs even more it its posable, and leans into Taareek, bright white againt his ebon dark.

Taareek rests his head against Jenna's neck, purrring contently.

Jenna ducks her head a little and gently nuzzles the top of her head along the underside of his beak, "Maybe we should find ma?"

Taareek nips at Jenna's ears playfully and nods. "Do you know where he want?"

Jenna shakes her head, fluffing her feathers a little and leans softly into Taareek, "Umm, perhaps he is in a tent? Maybe he found a friend for the evening?"

Arravinn flaps her wings a bit as she awakens, reemerging. "Is there anything that needs to be done here?" she asks immediately. "Cleanup, fetching something, what-have-you?"

Jenna blinks and cocks her head a little, "Huh?"

Taareek looks around the sudden arrival of more, nuzzling Jenna. "You'd know him better then me..."

Kohrr stretches and steps outside of a tent, noticeably alone and separate from Arravinn, though the looks he's giving her suggest that he might have wished it. "Arravinn, sometimes there's just nothing left to do. Though I wouldn't mind a hunt, indeed," he adds with a cock of his black head.

Jenna shakes her head, "THe festival is being held over for another day, there is so much food left, and everyone is having so much fun.

Taareek nods, looking around. "Well, I don't think it would be polite to go nosing around into random tents."

Arravinn snorts at that, seeming a bit embarrassed. A bit too much of a good time, if she's asked--but she isn't. She flicks her tail at Kohrr's remark. "I didn't know it was still going on," she remarks thoughtfully.

Jenna sighs a little and nods, "I want to though, I need to talk to ma about what I am trying to do, I wanna ask her help.

Taareek nods. "Okay. Let's see...I believe they were all over here when we left." He walks to a spot where a group was feasting last night.

Jenna follows close, her wings twitcing a little, "Its important."

Taareek lowers his head to the ground, sampling the area. He then shakes his head. "Again, I don't know him that well to pick out a scent."

Jenna nods, "And I can't realy tell, ohh I hope he wakes up soon or something."

Taareek hmmms, nuzzling Jenna as he walks around to another part of the feeding area.

Jenna shakes her head, "Hes not out in the open, I think we whould have found him." she nuzzles softly at Taareek's shoulder, "Thay where over her, maybe thay will come back?"

Taareek mrrrs to Jenna and nods. "I'm sure they will."

Venatrix and Natreann wander to the south, following the winding path through the woods.

Jenna nods slowly and leans into Taareek, "I hope he will come home with us tonight, though I gotta clean out the nest and everything, its probly all dusty and everything

Taareek nods. "Well, maybe we should head there and clean, then come back to see if he's here."

Jenna nods, "Thats a good idea, its to early for anything much to be going on here."

Taareek smiles. "Or maybe we'll find he's already home."

Jenna nods, "Thats posable, "Ok, think your up for a long flight?"

Taareek nods. "I should be. I was flying around earlier."

Jenna nods, "Ok, just let me know if you need to land

Taareek nods as he unfurls his wings, jumping into the air to get above the treetops.

Jenna leaps into the air, wings spreading and catching sky, pumping her wings tiredly.

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