[2000 winter festival index]
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Winter festival of 2000, day two.
l trishka Appearing rather short for her species, a gryphoness haughtily glances about her, her amber eyes flashing. Her eagle-like head, with it's cruelly hooked beak and tufted ears, is covered with soft white feathers that run her neck to join with her leonine body at her shoulders, intermingling with her soft tan fur. Her taloned forefeet paw the ground, the lion like tail with its tufted tip swishing from side to side behind her while her wings spread wide to their full width, displaying the dark grey color that fades to white at the flight feathers: She tosses her head back and rears onto her back legs to scream out and paw against the air, then once more folding her wings against her side she casts her cold gaze about her. Jenna(#741PXfc) Thin and qauky is what you might first think when you see this gryphon. Her pink eyes and white feathers and fur show her for what she is, and albino. She might be rather striking to you, the light flashing from her soft white feathers, and the glossy white of her fur, her head tilted a little to one side. She has seen some hard times of late, the feathers apon her wings are a little warn, a few of them have been repaired, and imped to alow her to fly. Her pink eyes hold many secrets though, and a hidden pain wich she trys hard to hide from all as she trys to make a life for herself again, building from the ashes of her former life. l trish Rather short for her species stands a gryphon that by the coloration of her beak, and the sheen of her feathers, appears to have just entered adulthood. She glances around uneasily with her amber eyes, her tufted ears lay flat against her head, radiating bewilderment with her every motion. Except for the black tufts on her ears, her eagle-like head is covered with soft white feathers that run her neck to join with her leonine body at her shoulders, intermingling with her soft tan fur. Her lion like tail with its tufted black tip swishes from side to side, and her wings fluff out, displaying their dark grey feathers that fades to white at the flight feathers, and the soft down where they join her body. Faekawn glides downwards from above to land near the base of the pyramid. Faekawn has arrived. Faekawn soars, falls, flaps like crazy... catches herself... and flops in for a landing! Ooof!Jenna giggles a little at the little Grylran flaps in, shaking her head, then returning to preening her freshly mended wings clean.
Trishka gives a squawk of surprise, startled out of her contemplations by the new gryphon landing.
Faekawn glares at the sky, grumbling something about letting her go at the wrong time, then sets about preening a little bit as she looks around...
Trishka spreads out her wings, fluffing them then folding them back neatly with a little shake. Laying down she rests her head on her taloned forelegs.
Faekawn shakes out, and starts trotting around looking at who (and what) is here... tons of gryphons she doesn't know, and lots of stuff she's never even HEARD of before!
Jenna shakes her head a little, a soft chuckle coming from her at Faekawn's antics, she nods a little, then foilds her wings carefully to her back, then she takes up the platter and bowl that was gifted to her, and heads to the early opened food stalls.
Trishka turns her head, looking at the new arrival while lazily swishing her tail.
Faekawn chiurrrups hello to Jenna, who she knows... and wanders curiously closer to Trishka, who she doesn't. "Hi there..."
Jenna bobs her head a little to Faekawn, returning from the food stalls with her platter piled rather high, almost staggering under the load and trying towalk three leged, she shakes her head, almost in resignation and sets down her platter and the bolw of wine, still rather suprised at the generosity of the venders.
Trishka blinks her eyes, "Hello..." the sentence trails off as she is unsure of what to say.
Jenna cocks herhead a little, glancing at Faekawn, and the new one, then with a slight nod, "You two look like you could use somethng to eat, I got plenty, and thay said I could get more if I wanted, would you like to try some small mammals and spiced meats?
Faekawn giggles, and trots up to Trishka more boldly... obviously she needs a friend, or at least some help! "I'm Faekawn!" she chirps happily, and flops down next to the other hen. "Oooo... where'd you get all that, Jenna?"
Trishka dips her head, "Thank you.. I am rather hungry, I cannot remember when I last had something to eat." She blinks again, turning to each of the new gryphons, wanting to ask their names but still feeling to shy.. She gives a grateful chirp to Faekawn and climbs to her feet. "My name is Trishka. Thank you, I... feel so confused..."
Jenna points to the few open stalls behind her with a wing, "The food venders over there, thay have been very nice to me, though I do not know why." she shakes herself a little, then taps the rather nice looking platter, "Someone even gave me this."
Faekawn ooohs at Jenna's platter. "Nice! Maybe they think you're cute..." She grins and fluffs her feathers playfully. "Whatcha so confused about, Trishka?"
Jenna blushes a little, and nods, "Its posable, one of the hunters wanted me to, ahh well you know, if I did he was going to give me a haunch of the meat, and the intire hide."
Trishka shakes her head, "I don't know. I woke and found myself here, all I know is my name.. everything else is a blur..." She gives a sigh, "I just with I could remember.."
Trishka looks curiously towards Jenna, deciding not to ask the question she was intending with a click of her beak.
Faekawn ooooohs softly, and gets back to her feet, standing next to Trishka. "You're a New One! Wow... how lucky for you, to come through right at Festival!" She brushes her beak lightly against Trishka's wing. "Has anybody tried to help you figure things out yet?"
Jenna blinks and cocks her head, squaking, "Another one!? There is anothe new one here, I think he just came through a day or two ago, but hes cute."
Trishka shakes her head.. "I just arrived.." She points her beak towards Jenna, "Jenna...?" She nods her head, remembering that as the name that Faekawn used, "Jenna is the only other I have met so far."
Jenna bobs her head a little to Trishka, "Jenna is Jenna." then she giggles a little and fluffs her softwhite feathers, "Pleased to meet you."
Faekawn grins, and prances her foreclaws in place for a couple of steps. "That's great! Well... uhm... welcome to Shrilk! You're a gryphon now, and I bet you're gonna love it! Some New Ones have kind of a hard time adjusting, but just about all of 'em make it okay..."
Jenna bobs her head a little, giving her wings a slight flick, "But the new drake is mine, I saw him first!" her head cocking a little to let you know that she is realy joking.
Trishka opens her beak in an imitation of a smile, dipping her head in greeting to Jenna, "Thank you, I am pleased to meet you." She giggles, warming to the other gryphons, "I do think that I shall.." She indicates her wings with her beak as she spreads them wide, "I think wings look nice. I shall have to try to learn to fly."
Faekawn giggles at Jenna, and clicks her beak at her. "Nuh uh... not if I find him later....."
Faekawn bobs her head. "Flying is kinda hard right now... 'cuz the magic went away for a while, and it's not coming back real steadily. It's sorta like walking on ice... sometimes you fly fine, then WHOOP! The wind just falls out from under you for a little bit!"
Trishka giggles, fluffing herself out, "I think I need to try to learn to be a gryphon first before I worry about anything else."
Jenna giggles at Faekawn, "You can have him when I am done with him." she fluffs her feathers a little, grinning, then at Trishka's words she sliks her feathers down, "You gotta be carefull, flying is hard right now, its easy to be hurt."
Trishka tilts her head, prickling up her ears, "That... sounds like it could be dangerous.."
Jenna bobs her head slowly, "Its very dangerios, and worse for someone learning, sometimes, your just taking off and then you fall hard to the ground, theres probly lotsa people stuck in the aeries with broken wings right now.
Jenna glances to Faekawn, her head cocking a little, as if waiting for conformation of whatshe said
Faekawn nods sadly. "So it's better to stay close to the ground while you learn... when you're pretty good at it, you can usually catch yourself before you land, but... it can be kinda scary sometimes. I thought for sure I was gonna crash when I dropped here!"
Trishka shivers, then looks towards Jenna's wings, observing how it seems that they have been mended, as if broken. "Did that happen to you, Jenna?"
Jenna shakes her head, "I broke my wings when the bugs attacked windhaven, long ago, but I messed up my feathers realy bad when I walked to grylra a little while ago.
Trishka looks down, "I'm sorry to hear that." She drags one talon across the ground, "I have so much to learn.. I do not even know what the bugs are."
Jenna nods, "Don't worry about the bugs, thay are all gone now, and the healers at windhaven made sure that Jenna can fly again.
Faekawn nods, though a little shiver flutters her sides and wings. "The bugs.. Krrzn'tai... they were really awful and scary. You're lucky you didn't come when they were attacking! That was nasty."
Faekawn oooohs softly, temporarily distracted by a very handsome older drake flying past overhead...
Trishka lifts her head, spreading out her wings wide in a long stretch, "I really am glad that I had not" she sits down on her haunches, looking around her, studying the area.
Jenna blinks and lifts her head, a soft churr coming from her as she notices the drake, then she shakes her head a little, and nods to Trishka."
Trishka lifts her head to the sky to see what everyone else is looking at...
Trishka shakes her head having missed whatever it was.
Faekawn chirps to Jenna "Ok, you can have that new one... I'll just take him ... for the summer..."
The handsome older drake returns, this time, he is followed by a younger drake, sunlight flashing from painted feathers as the two drakes dance in the sky, circling, then going apart, to thoes who have seen it before, its familure, a well loved courtship dance used for ages at Windhaven.
Jenna gaps her beak and grins a litle, noding, "Will have found another by then, so that works for me." she misses the real implications of what Faekawn says, her education having been somewhat abortive.
Trishka spreads her wings again, first checking them and then giving them a few experimental flaps raising her front legs from the ground... seeing the drakes she stops flapping and just watches them as they circle in the air..
The younger drake circles more around the slower moving olderdrake, there voices raised with chirps and trills, nd the ocasional word that drifes down to thoes below, sudenly the older drake falters in the air, and drops several feet before he manages to catch himself, he trills a worning th the youngster, and both of them glide off to one side, soon lost behind a few stalls
Jenna sighs a little as she watches the two fly off, after a momant she chirps up softly, "See what I mean about it still being dangerious?"
Trishka nods her head, watching both disappear behind the stalls.. "I see. I really will have to be careful. Maybe it is better if I should learn to glide from a small hill before I fly properly."
Jenna nods, "Also, you can try jumping up, and spreading your wings to glide a little, and even just standing there and flaing your wings will help build your flight muscles
Trishka dips her head and giggles, "Yes, I tried that but..." she clears her throat, "Something caught my eye."
Jenna cocks her head a little, "Oh? WHat cought your eye?" her tail flicks a little as a gryphon starts slowly walking among the crowd, calling the offer of food,and taking small packages from the packs he wears like saddlebags, trading them with thoes who wish.
Trishka clicks her beak, fluffing herself up. "The young gryphon who flew over looked rather.. nice."
Jenna bobs her head a little, "Reather nice, though I think the older drake was much nicer looking." she churrss a momant, "Would be nice to have him over me."
Trishka is momentarily taken by surprise having not been used to such openness, then just parts her beak in a silent laugh..
Jenna blushes a little, but all gryphons tend to be much more open about such things than most are used to, sometimes you can even catch pairs mating in the open.
Trishka smiles, "Sorry, I did not expect you to say that... I will get used to everything once I have been here a while." She giggles, "And I guess it is always best to be honest."
Jenna bobs her head slowly, "WE as a whole tend to be very open about things like that, though there is some diferences between people."
Jenna grins a little, then cocks her head, "Perhaps we can find thoes two later, sometimes tailrasers like a good hen under them.
Trishka swishes her tail. "That is best.. I feel that being open is important deep inside me.." She chirrps, nodding her head eagerly, "Yes it is important that I learn as much as I can."
Jenna grins a little, from what she knows of her clanmates, thay can give quite an education, but she bobs her head a little, "If thay are agreeable, I am sure it can be very interesting."
Trishka lifts one wing and preens at the downy feathers beneath, missing the grin. Lifting her head again and folding her wing she asks, "Jenna, I think Faekawn mentioned a festival. What is that?"
Faekawn comes back from attending to private matters, and rejoins the conversation. "Tchk.... trying to get her to join Windhaven already?" she giggles... knowing full well that she'll try to get the new one interested in Grylra.
Trishka looks between you both. "Windhaven, Grylra, What are they?"
Faekawn oh's. "Uhm... well... they're different aeries. Where we all live. Well where most of us live, some live out in tiny little aeries or just families. But there's three big ones. Grylra, where I live, Windhaven... it's Jenna's home, and Shkrill... uhm... I don't really know anybody who lives there. They're kind of rough and mean."
Jenna chuckles a little and bobs her head, "Of course. I would not be a good flowerchewer if I did not try." but she ducks her head a little, her tail giving a twitch, then to Trishka, "Its the winter festival, every winter grylra has a winter festival, and this is it, right now and right here."
Faekawn nods. "Dad usually has it in Grylra itself, but this time we moved it out here. I don't really understand why, but he says it's a good thing." She shrugs her wings... poppa's actions don't always make sense to her, even if most people think they're good ideas.
Stormrider glides downwards from above to land near the base of the pyramid.
Stormrider has arrived.
Trishka oohs and leaps up, "I wondered why everything looked so..." She points about her with one wingtip, indicating all the tents."
Jenna nods, "Its better here, everyone can come, when its at Grylra, noone from the other aeries wanna come because its to dangerious for them, but this is as close to nutrial teratorys as we can get.
Faekawn gape-grins, and nods. "It's a really fun time! Not as big as usually, but there's still a whole bunch of good stuff to see and do! And lotsa games."
Stormrider comes down rather heavily to land with his wings spread wide, he shakes himself and settles his wings, glancing around to see if there are any he recongnice around.
Trishka turns as someone new lands, and dips her head and lowers herself onto one taloned foot in a greeting.
Faekawn skreees, and leaps up, bounding across the grounds to tackle Stormrider! "Brother!" she squawks, in mid-jump!
Jenna chuckles a little as Faekawn charges at the newly arived drake, "See, even shes having fun."
Stormrider acks!, startled and suddly trying to skiter back out of Faekawn's pounce, but to no luck, still he chuckles softly as he is bowled over by his sister.
Trishka settles back on her haunches, giggling as Faekawn greets the drake she does not know.
Faekawn nips and play-bites her brother. "Gotcha! Softy ol' windhaven... how are you?" She lets him up and rubs her beak against him, purrring.
Stormrider chuckles, pushing Fae off of himself, "Got offa me Fae, come on, I'm tired, I just flew in from windahven." he stands, and shakes himself, then slicks his feathers down smooth, with a soft churrr he preens at Fae's ear-tufts, "I am good, even found someone who wants me to be his mate."
Stormrider chuckles, pushing Fae off of himself, "Got offa me Fae, come on, I'm tired, I just flew in from windahven." he stands, and shakes himself, then slicks his feathers down smooth, with a soft churrr he preens at Fae's ear-tufts, "I am good, even found someone who wants me to be his mate."
Faekawn sticks her tongue out. "Ewww... well... as long as he's good to you. Or I'll come beat him up good! How as the flying? Any better than here? It's really weird and bumpy, feels like..."
Stormrider nods slowly, "Its been about the same everywhere I go, though it feels much better over this one nice shady spot I know."
Jenna blushes a little sudenly, she thinks she knows the place, and remembers someone she used to spend time with there.
Faekawn hooks her beak into Stormrider's ruff, and gives a firm tug. "C'mere... meet Trishka. She's a New One, and she's really nice!"
Faekawn is such a bossy sister!
Stormrider rolls his eyes but goes with Fae, chuckling softly though as Fae leads him to the hen she wants him to meet, when close togeather like this, you can see some resimblance between them, and realize that Stormrider is as young as Fae is, though he trys to act like an adult.
Faekawn introduces formally, "Stormrider, this is Triskha! Trishka, this is my brother Stormrider. He lives at Windhaven now... big softy..." she bumps him with her hip.
Jenna bobs her head a little at Stormrider, she has seen him around once or twice at Windhaven, but she does not say anything to him.
Stormrider shakes his head a little, leaning a little against Fae as she bumps him with her hip, he bobs his head to Trishka, "Pleased to meet you, are you living at Grylra? I do not think I have ever seen you before."
Trishka dips her head again to Stormrider, smiling. "My name is Trishka. No, I have just arrived.. I am not sure where I shall live yet."
Stormrider nods just a little, "Well, if you chose to come to windhaven, look me up, I can try to help you feel at home, and I know some of the best featherpainters." he flicks the eartuft with the dangling saphire, "And some of the nicer jewelery makers."
Faekawn bumps the jewel with her beak gently. "It's pretty..." she admits. "But I don't see how you can wear stuff like that..." She sighs and shrugs. "Oh well... that's why you went to Windhaven." She preens him fondly, even though she does give a little bite now and then, just to tease.
Stormrider is painted up a little, rather femininly too, but he churrss softly to Fae and gently preens at hre ear-tufts, "At lest I have a home now, hows mom doing? The last I heard was that everyone wanted to kill her."
Faekawn sighs, and gazes skywards... sort of the gryphon equivilent of rolling your eyes (since they can't). "She's doing OK. I saw her here last night for a while, but I was... ummmm... busy." She giggles playfully. "But things are better now. Some still want to kill her, but they don't dare now that poppa's taken her back in. I just hope... you know... she's OK."
Stormrider gaps his beak in a little grin, "Busy humm? someone I know? Perhaps I should try to steal him from you?" he nods slowly, "Thats good, I was rather worried, if dad had let someone kill her, I do not know what I would have done."
Trishka nods her head, "I have heard of Windhaven and Grylra, and I think I may like to live at one of those."
Stormrider gaps his beak in a little grin, "Busy humm? someone I know? Perhaps I should try to steal him from you?" he nods slowly, "Thats good, I was rather worried, if dad had let someone kill her, I do not know what I would have done."
Faekawn growls, her crest flattening. "I know what I'd have done... what I'll still do if it ever happens. I'll KILL whoever hurts her." There's no question from her tone of voice that she means it. "I don't think poppa would let anybody do it... he's said he'd have to do it himself, if anybody would. And... and... I don't know what I'd do if that happened. But I couldn't stay."
Stormrider nods, silently agreeing with his sister, after a momant he sighs softly, "BUt things should be ok now, I hope." a wing lifts and draps over Fae, pulling her to his side as he ducks her head to rest against her neck
Faekawn leans against her brother comfortably. "Uhmmm... sorry about that, Trishka... we don't get to see eachother real often, so we kinda catch up a lot. Don't worry about where to live... you'll have plenty of time to visit and decide for yourself where you like best."
Stormrider bobs his head a little, "Yes, we have not seen each other for months now."
Stormrider preens softly at your ears-tufts, letting his beak stroke against your feathers, his tongue licking don through the soft feathers, leaning a little more against you as he cuddles you softly with his wing
Taareek walks carefully down the pyramid and steps onto the path.
Taareek says, "Hello."
Jenna blinks and lifts her head, she smiles a little as she looks the newcomer over, then churrss a soft, "Oh hello, who are you?"
A standard size gryphon is Taareek, though his coloring might make him stand out more. From the top of his eagle head to the tuft of the lion tail, he is covered in black as if a shadow come to life, the feathers blending seamlessly with the fur starting at his shoulders Even his beak and nails are black, looking like sets of ebony knives. His dark wings rest against his back when on the ground, blending in with the rest of his body. The only break in the blackness are a set of deep green eyes, like spring grass.Taareek gives a smile back, dipping his head a little as he pads closer. "I am Taareek."
Stormrider just sits with his sleeping sister, unnoticing of the newcomer
Jenna stands and starts walking twords you, "Pleased to meet you, what aerie are you from?"
Taareek tilts his head a little. "I don't know..." He nods back to the pyramind. "I just found myself awake in there."
Jenna blinks, her head rearing back a little, "A new one! Skys thats strange, 3 new ones in as many days!"
Taareek smiles. "Really? I guess such arrivals are rare then."
Jenna nods, "Oh yes, very rare, there are many spheres, we only get one every few months normaly." she cocks her head a litle in thought, "Oh, thats right, we have had things like that happen before though, once we even had 5 show up all withen an hour of each other."
Taareek nods. "Well, maybe it's sign of a larger group arriving."
Jenna nods, "But anyways, your lucky to show up now, theres the winter festival going on, and you got here just in time to realy enjoy it and all."
Taareek smiles. "That sounds like fun. What sort of things go on during it?"
Jenna grins a little, "All sorts of stuff, more than I can realy say, stay and watch, you will love it, trust me."
Taareek smiles again and nods. "Very well. I'd be interesting in seeing it."
Jenna smiles, her soft white feathers fluffing up a little, her tail giving a little twitch as she moves closer, "So dark, there are not many that are so dark in coloration.
Taareek chuckles softly. "Yes, I know. My name actually translates to shadow, given because of my color."
Jenna bobs her head a little, "Such a contrast, your all over black, and I am all over white."
Taareek grins and nods. "Yes, an intersting contrast."
Jenna blushes a little, worried that she is making a fool of herself, but the starkness of your coloring draws her to you still.
Taareek settles his hindquaters on the ground to sit, tilting his head at the approach.
Jenna licks her beaktip a momant, then grins as she moves up close to you, though to nervious for her to set at the momant, she cocks her head a little, then softly asks you, "WHere you a male before coming here?"
Taareek smiles and nods. "As far as I can recall..." His tail twitches across the ground.
Jenna gaps her beak in a little grin, "Oh? Thats good, it will be easyer for you that way, sometimes people are switched, and thay have trouble getting used to it." she cocks her head a little, "Ever play with a hen before?"
Taareek smiles again. "If I did, it was taken out of my memory." His head moves a little up and down as he looks at Jenna. "Although I suppose somethings you just never forget."
Jenna blushes a little and ducks her head a little, "What do you remember?"
Taareek grins wide, looking around the area. "Nothing that should really be spoken aloud outside."
Jenna bobs her head a little, "Follow me?" she chirps up, then leads the drake off to a more private location.
Some time later...
Jenna bobs her head a little, "I just liked your story a lot, it was cool
Taareek smiles, bodyrubbing Jenna softly. "I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did telling it."
Jenna leans against Taareek, churring softly to you as you rub against her, her feathers fluffing
Taareek settles down on the ground, feet curled under him. He mrrrs as he nuzzles back around the shoulder area.
Jenna grins a little, "Soon all the fun will be starting up, there lots of fun here today, its the grylra winter festival
Taareek smiles and nods. "Sounds like a good way to meet new people here."
Jenna nods, "It is, thay only have it once year, its a lot of fun.
Taareek nods back.
Jenna giggles a little and ducks her head, "Not fun like the story, though that happens a lot too, the ones who are mates realy go at it, and the tailrasers are allways looking for fun.
Taareek chuckles. "Well, good. Be nice to find a warm body to settle beside this time of year, I'm sure."
Stormrider shakes his head a little, then preens at his wings, settling his feathers smooth, being carefull with the glitter and such temparaaly placed apon his form
Stormrider preacticly screams female to you, though the way he is sitting its clear that he is defantly male.
Jenna nods slowly, fluffing her soft white feathers, she dips her head and quickly starts preening snow and stuf from her white fur and feathers
Taareek tilts his head at the curious Stormrider, black tail swishing over the snow.
Stormrider nods to Taareek, his feathers fluffing up a little, giving the stranger drake a slight grin and a wink, hinting at posabilitys to come, if desired
Taareek chuckles to himself, having some memories of meeting other drakes in the same situation as the hen in his story.
Jenna cocks her head a little, then chirps up, "Don't you think he is kinda silly? But he lives at Windhaven, same as Jenna does.
Taareek smiles. "Must be an interesting aeira."
Jenna nods slowly, "It is, and now that magic is back its going to get even better."
Taareek blinks. "You had missing magic?"
Jenna bobs her head, "THe magic went away when we closed the interface, it was realy scary, but the magic is returning, stronger every day.
Taareek nods slowly. "That's good. I'd be interesting in knowing more. I'm not sure if I had magic at some time though..."
Jenna nods slowly, "Well, there are others that will be better able to tell you, I was stuck with the healers mostly.
Taareek nods. "That sounds like a safe place to be." He smiles at Jenna.
Jenna says, "I had my wings broken when thay blew up the bug tunnels under windhaven, the library fell on me, but I can still fly thankfully."
Taareek nods as he listens, looking back at the wings. "I see."
Jenna nods, she lifts her wings a little and spreads them wide for you to look at them, under the feathers there are scares, and other marks of what happened to her.
Taareek turns his head to examine the wings a little better. "I'm glad to hear that you got better. I'm sure you make quite a sight in the sky."
Jenna nods, "Jenna loves to fly, its realy great!"
Taareek smiles and nods. "That it is. Traveling great distances, taking a different look of the world."
Jenna nods, "Well, just flying around sometimes is fun, its justso nice, even if all I do is fly around the same patch of sky a lot
Taareek smiles again. "Even that is fine. A good time to think too."
Jenna nods slowly, "Oh yes, I just love it, the sky is the only thing I have left right now
Taareek gives Jenna a soft nuzzle, nodding as he doesn't want to push too much right now.
Jenna sighs softly, she does not make any metion of her lost folks
Taareek just gives Jenna another soft nuzzling across the neck and cheek.
Nightflyer arrives from the southerly path.
Jenna shakes herself, almost violently, "But I have some good things that I am working on, I am going to take over ma's besinuss and start trading again, I got all her contacts, and met several of them, with a little luck I will do realy good
Taareek nods to the two entering, smiling at Jenna. "Sounds like you're all set then."
Jenna waves a wing to the incoming gryphon and dragon
Jenna nods, "I hope so, I think its going to be fun, I just hope that some of the people will give me credit
Taareek nods back to Jenna. "Well, perhaps if I have need of a job, I will look for you. Or at least the pleasure of your company again."
Jenna smiles and nods, "I would like that, I realy enjoyed your story
Taareek chuckles and grins, nuzzling the hen's shoulder.
Jenna churrss softly, fluffing her feathers again, distracted for the momant from her slihgtly gloomy thoughs
Taareek presses against Jenna's side, mrrring to her softly.
Jenna churrsss softly, ducking her head a little and leaning into Taareek, her tail flicks a little to curl with his
Taareek curls his black tail around Jenna's white one, leaning against her.
Jenna smiles a little, leaning into Taareek's ebon warmth
Taareek unfurls the wing closest to Jenna, placing it over her back. He smiles back to her.
Jenna chirps softly and leans closer into Taareek, smiling softly
Taareek nuzzles across Jenna's cheek, purrring to the female.
Jenna cocks her head a little, looking up at Taareek, in a way oddly suprised, she is too used to drakes that leave after having some fun.
Taareek 's eyes are closed as he enjoys the close contact. One opens as he feels Jenna looking at him.
Jenna smiles up to you, ducking her head a little to preen along your foreleg, "Such a nice contrast
Stormrider shakes his head, just watching
Taareek smiles, licking at the hen's ears. "Quite nice really...must've been interesting to see the contrast the way we were earlier."
Jenna blushes a little and smiles, Well, umm, perhaps we can show it to some friends when you next tell me a story?"
Taareek grins and nods, nuzzling a cheek. "I'd enjoy that."
Jenna giggles a little and nods, "Though, I think I realy like you, why don't you come home with me after the festival? I can show you windhaven, and my home.
Taareek purrrs and smiles. "I would like that, Jenna."
Jenna smiles and fluffs her feathers up, "Jenna will be happy to take you there."
Taareek chuckles to himself as he thinks a reply in his mind. "And I'd be happy to see where you live and more of this world." he says instead.
Jenna grins a little, not catching what your thinking, her feathers fluff happily, just thinking of showing you around, and she thinks a little about how fun it might be to hear another story from you.
Taareek nuzzles along you shoulder and legs softly, purrring contently.
Jenna settles to her rump, then leans against you as you nuzzle her shoulder, feeling hyappy for the first time in a long time, hertail curls tight around yours
Taareek slowly swings his tail with yours, nuzzling still, moving up along your neck.
Jenna smiles, her eyes half closing as she leans more into your nuzzling, a soft chirping coming from her
Taareek makes something of chriping sound in response, resting his head against yours.
Jenna ducks her head a little, pressing the soft white of her feathers into the ebon of your chest feathers
Taareek mrrrrs, rubbing his beak across the back of your head as he presses close against you.
Jenna chirps softly as you press closer against her, her feathers fluffing gently agianst you as you rub the top of her head, her crest feathers lifting
Taareek nuzzles between your ears softly, resting his head on top of yours lightly.
Jenna churrss tenderly to you, her ear-tufts flicking a little as you nuzzle between her ears
Taareek smiles as he mrrrs back, holding his body close to yours as he enjoys the moment.
Jenna leans warmly into you, her tail snuging warmly around yours, as she presses softly into you, warm and close agianst you
Taareek purrrrs as he nuzzles your head again, keeping his body close to yours to share the warmth.
Jenna closes her eyes, pressing her head deep into your warm feathersm pressing close aganst you
Taareek smiles, moving his head to nuzzle your neck. His tail becomes tangled in yours as his body stays pressed to yours.
Jenna softly churs to you, she moves after a momant, standing and steping before you, her tail flicking to brush your cheek softly, then she settles to her haunces and slowly wiggles back against you, smaller than you are.
Taareek grins, taking a slightly wider stance as you back in under him. He rests his body over yours gently, nuzzling the back of your neck.
Jenna smiles and presses into your warm feathers wiggling happily into you as you rest over her,.
Taareek prrrrs as he nestles down against your wings, though not too much.
Jenna carefully folds her wings tight to her back, then lets the open a little behind your forelegs, letting you move closer agianst her if want
Taareek takes the invitation, covering you more with his body. He lowers his head to nibble softly at your neck and shoulder.
Jenna churrss softly up to Taareek, her soft white feathers mingling with his ebon ones, snugling close into him
Taareek nuzzles at Jenna's shoulder as he lightly covers his new friend with his body.
Kai'liai wanders past, tired from a long day of enjoying the strange and unusual sights, smells, and tastes of a gryphon festival.
Jenna is half hidden under Taareek, her white wings sticking out a little from his sides almost as she presses into his warmth
Kai'liai's fingers are stained with the dyes and paints she's used to paint more than a few gryphons' feathers today... another reason she's tired, and why she's taking a break. She finds a vendor who'll accept a few rabbit pelts for a bowl of wine, and looks for a place to sit and drink it. She smiles as she spots Jenna, half-buried under a drake she doesn't recognize... and wonders if she should come over, or leave them alone together.
Taareek smiles at the unicorn as he keeps Jenna warm under him, tail twitching softly.
Kai'liai has gotten pretty good at reading the strange faces of these majestic creatures, and decides to come nearer. "Hey there," she whickers in that musically accented voice of the Kefetiun.
Jenna churrss softly, shes looking very diferent than she was the day before, her feathers almost shinning, a happy look in her eyes as she cuddles with Taareek
Stormrider just shakes his head a little, though secretly he wishes he could be so lucky
Taareek purrrs, nodding his head to Kai'liai. "Hello there." He keeps Jenna close under him, but not overly so.
Kai'liai laughs softly into her bowl of wine, sitting down near the happy couple. "Having a nice time, looks like..." she says to them both, before taking a drink of the bitter red wine.
Jenna smiles up to Kai, "Oh, hello again, have you been enjoying the festivitys?
Taareek chuckles softly, then nuzzling Jenna's ears. "That we are." He smiles at Kai'. "Quite a nice day to have arrived."
Kai'liai rolls her neck and shoulders from side to side, the long bright spire of her horn describing a long arc. "Not as much as you, looks like..." she grins. She reaches up and rubs her shoulders. "I didn't expect to get so much business!"
Jenna blushes a little, "Ahh, yes, hes a new one, I just happened to be here when he came through the gate."
Taareek smiles. "And she gave me quite the nice welcome." He turns to look at the unicorn. "What kind of business do you have?"
Kai'liai mmm-hmmms blandly, eyes coyly half-lidded. "A nice reception committee..." She yawns, and leans back, drinking again. "I've been doing feather painting. Ooof. All day, I think.... I just had to take a break for a while."
Jenna blushes even more, wiggling back a little to hide almost under Taareek, "SHes a feather painter I think."
Taareek nods and smiles. "Defiantly can see how you would get a lot of business in this area." He snuggles down against Jenna's back.
Jenna giggles a little, "Perhaps I should see if you could do something with me? But something cheep, I will probly do a full molt this summer."
Kai'liai nods tiredly. "I could do that, Jenna... do you want something tonight?"
Jenna cocks her head a little, "Umm, perhaps you can do it some time tonight, if your feeling up to it?
Kai'liai nods. "Sure... though I should probably do Aubri first, if I can ever find him. There's just so MANY people here! Yeah, I can see over all your heads, but... wow..."
Jenna giggles a little and nods, "I know, at lest I should be a somewhat easyer task, I am plain white, so you can be rather creative."
Taareek smiles.
Kai'liai grins, and lays flat on her back, looking up at the sky. "Yeah, I was thinking that..." She puts her bowl of wine down at her side, and waves her hands up above her, sketching mentally. "Maybe just simple strokes along the center shaft of each feather... or curves... hmmm... maybe curves... so when you spread them, they'd make a .... uhmmm... I don't think common has a word for it. A series of curves of a special kind."
Jenna bobs herhead a little, "I will let it be your choice, this time, but I do not have much trade goods to spare right now.
Kai'liai says, "Well, how about on credit? If you're going to ... uhm... 'molt'? Shed your feathers soon, save them up for me and we could trade in the core?" in common.
Jenna nods, "Oh, you want feathers to pain." she blushes a little, "I am sorry, I had forgoten."
Kai'liai grins. "Well, I want them to practice with... and... well... I think I've gotten pretty good today, so maybe I can sell them back home, too."
Jenna then grins a little, "I do have a bunch of shed feathers at home, when I go to Kefitui I can bring them with me for you?"
Kai'liai nods as she sits back up, smiling. "Sure, that would be alright." She looks at her fingers, and frowns. "That's going to take a while to wash out... maybe I'll have someone chant them clean for me."
Jenna nods, "Well, let me know when you want to experament apon me? I will gladly submit to your gentle art.
Taareek nuzzles Jenna as he listens quietly.
Jenna giggles a little and arches her head up into Taareek's nuzzling, her feathers puffing up rather a lot
Kai'liai blushes, hiding a smile in her bowl. "Well, if Aubri doesn't show up in a little while, I think I'll be ready." She glances at the amorous couple. "Unless you two need more time....?"
Taareek smiles as he purrrs. "Oh, I would be interested in seeing your work anyway."
Jenna blushes a little, ducking her head
Taareek nuzzles at Jenna's ears softly.
Kai'liai smiles. "Well... come on down to my tent, then... it'll be a lot easier on both of us. I've got a bench set up for you, and supports for your wings." She stands up, kneeling to pick up her bowl. "Not to mention a stool for me to sit on!"
Jenna fluffs her feathers up, her tail giving a litle twitch, she nods, cocking her head a little, then givving Taareek a soft nuzzle apon his beaktip
Taareek nuzzles back at Jenna, slowly lifting himself off the hen. "Shall we go then?"
Jenna bobs her head, "I am afraid so dearling, its ok though, we can cudle after, and mabe later you can tell me another story?"
Taareek smiles and nods, pressing against Jenna's side. "Of course."
Kai'liai dusts her cloak off - apparently she's ditched several layers of clothing, during the long day. "Well, sure... c'mon down..." She leads the way, weaving gracefully through the crowds, her tail trailing smoothly behind.
Jenna grins, and slowly stands, pushing her rump up into his belly as she does, then slowly stepping out from under him to follow Kai, still smiling happily, her tail flicking to brush agianst Taareek.
Taareek smiles as he walks along next to Jenna as they follow Kai to her work area.
Kai'liai leads the way to her half-tent, gesturing for Jenna to lay on the sling-like couch. "I'll set up a stool to support your wing, too - I know it's hard to hold it up for as long as I'll probably need."
Jenna nods slowly, "Its ok, Jenna is not one to think this is real quick." she smiles softly to Kai, almost seeming to glow a little, then lays in the sling, nd spreads her wings out wide.
Taareek finds a spot nearby to watch from, settling down on his haunches.
Kai'liai smiles, and runs her hand down the back of Jenna's neck, pausing to rub between her wings. "What color would you like? I was thinking maybe either black or dark blue?" She turns to gesture for Taareek to find a spot, and grins to see that he's already done so.
Jenna shakes her head a little, "Umm, your choice? Be creative I guess? I don't know much about art."
Kai'liai steps in front, taking your outermost primaries in her hands and lifting the heavy span, pulling it outwards. "Mmmm. Here... hold your wing out like that, just for a second?" She lets go, and reaches back and to the side, grabbing a padded stool to put under the wrist joing.
Jenna nods and holds her wing out, spreading it wide for you
Jenna cocks her head a little, watchingwith quite a bit of interest, her tail twitching a little
Kai'liai settles wing on stool, and stands, looking down at the enormous spread with a thoughtful expression. She bends down and looks into Jenna's eyes, and hmms softly again. "Yeah... I think the dark blue. It'll contrast with your eyes, I think..." She smiles and pats the side of Jenna's beak - bigger than her own hand. "You'll be even more beautiful... your boyfriend may get some more competition." She stands up and winks playfully at Taareek as she goes to get her brushes and dye.
Taareek chuckles softly.
Jenna blushes at Kai,s words, ducking her head a little, and glancing at Taareek, "Realy?" she churrss softly
Taareek smiles at Jenna.
Kai'liai steps back behind Jenna's outspread wing, brush held in her muzzle, a dyepot in one hand. "OK, I'm going to work really smooth and fast... so try to hold still..."
Jenna nods, stealing herself to hold still, her beak gaping a little.
Kai'liai spreads the outer feathers with firm but gentle touch, and begins to paint - fast smooth strokes that start just inside the feathershaft, right near the overlaying feather, arc outwards a little, then sweep back in again. Her touch is almost uncannily sure and true, dip, stroke, dip, stroke, dip, stroke... next feather.
Jenna watches as best she can, holding still as her wings are painted.
Taareek tilts his head as he watches too.
Kai'liai finishes the primaries, and exhales gustily. "Wffff." She looks critically over the arcs, and nods slowly. "Okay, that was good! You held really still! Want to stretch a second? Just don't fold your wing..."
Jenna shakes her head just a litle, "If I strech I will fold the wing."
Kai'liai nods, and pats your shoulder. "Ok, let me get these secondaries..." She runs her fingers along the inner feathers, frowning at the way the imping changes the texture of two of them. She takes a deep breath, blows it out slowly, and begins again. Dip, stroke, dip, stroke... next feather. This takes longer, and she's a little more careful on those two troublesome feathers. Her strong slim fingers pull slightly at every feather as she seperates them to work on, but not uncomfortably.
Jenna grimices a little, panting softly as you paint her secondaries, her tail twitching a little
Kai'liai comforts, "Almost done... hang on..."
Kai'liai whistles softly as she finishes that last feather, relaxing. "There you go... just let that rest there for a few minutes while it dries. Don't want it to smear!"
Jenna bobs her head, struggling agaist the desire to close her wing, then watching you intently, waiting for your ok
Kai'liai bends over and blows on a few spots that look a little extra-damp... then eventually slips out of the way and nods. "Ok, there ya go... want to wait a minute before I do the other one?"
Jenna pants a little and nods her head, her wing almost snaping closed, she shakes herself, "Strange, it did not hurt, but just holding it open felt so weird, I kept trying to flap, or preen
Kai'liai grins as the pattern totally dissapears when your wing closes... just like she'd hoped! "That's what everybody says... I tried to convince them it's like soaring, but they say it's not the same without wind under it. I dunno what I can do about it, though... you did great!"
Jenna nods, "ANd when your soaring your always moving the feathers, quite a lot rather
Kai'liai rubs your shoulder gently. "Really? I guess I've never watched that closely before."
Jenna nods, "Its not that it hurts, its just fighting the need to move is so hard.
Taareek shakes himself out of his nap.
Rakintaa slowly walks out into the clearing... "Good evening," she says to nobody in particular.
Taareek nods his head to Rakintaa.
Stormrider smiles and waves a wing, "Good eveing Matriarch."
Kai'liai moves the padded stool around to Jenna's other side, smiling and waving to yet another gryphoness she doesn't know. When Stormrider says 'matriarch', she pauses, and gives her another look.
Rakintaa nods to Stormrider. "Hello."
Kai'liai bends over and whispers to Jenna, "Who's that? I mean... matriarch of which aerie?"
Stormrider smiles, getting to his feet and walking to Rakintaa, his feathers fluffing up a little, "I did not know you where here, have you been enjoying yourself?"
Rakintaa says, "Yes, I have been. Thank you for asking."
Rakintaa says, "Your father is a gracious host."
Taareek resumes watching the painting of Jenna.
Jenna nods to Kai, "THe same."
Stormrider puffs up a little, proudly, grinning a litle, "The food has been pretty good considering how hard things have been.
Rakintaa says, "I agree."
Stormrider grins, his tail flicking up a little happily.
Kai'liai wishes she could understand the squawk and chirp of gryphon language... but there's nothing she can do about it. She's spent most of the time here not understanding what people are saying, and it's easy enough to get used to. She stretches Jenna's wing outwards and sets it on the stool again. "Of Windhaven?" she asks Jenna, turning to look again at the older hen... this is someone she would really like to meet, sometime.
Rakintaa pads over towards Jenna, smiling a bit. "Hello, youngling. What are you up to today?"
Kai'liai dips into a low courtsey, dropping to one knee and bowing her head as Rakintaa approaches.
Jenna bobs her head, then trills a soft greeting to Rakintaa, "Very good, I made a new friend, I hope I will be able to talk him into coming to Windhaven with me, hes realy cute." she seems much happer than she has been in a long time, bright eyes and cheerfull
Rakintaa says, "Oh, yes? Who is this young drake?"
Kai'liai flicks her ears, biting her lip... hoping that wasn't something she was supposed to understand! She lifts her head tenatively, just a bit.
Jenna blushes a little and carefully points with her beak to Taareek, mostly she speeks in common, out of consideration, though somethings with excitment she forgets
Rakintaa smiles slightly. "Good evening."
Taareek perks his dark ears, giving a smile back to Rakintaa. "And to you."
Stormrider follows a little behind Rakintaa, his tail flicking a little.
Rakintaa looks up at the Unicorn. "Hello," she says in easy common. "I am Rakintaa, Matriarch of Windhaven."
Kai'liai is relieved to be recognized... despite the added pressure it implies. "A pleasure, honored Matriarch. I am Kai'liai, diplomatic courier from Kefetiu. Just... uhm... here as a hobby, really." She blushes shyly at the personal confession, and looks down. Apparently she is habitually very respectful of royalty.
Taareek tilts his head at the introduction of the new gryphon.
Jenna umms and trys to make introductions, "Rakintaa, this is Taareek, hopefulling a very close friend, Taareek, this is Rakintaa, the matriarch of Windhaven."
Rakintaa sits down, flicking her tail into a neat curl around her feet. "Very interesting. Where were you going, if I may ask?"
Kai'liai sits down on the ground, finding it a little more comfortable to be on eye level with those around her... reaching up to nudge Jenna's wing, whispering "We'll finish that in a minute, ok?"
Jenna nods and closes her wing, relaxing a little
Rakintaa says, "Oh -- don't stop on my account."
Stormrider keeps quite, just watching
Jenna bobs her head, then streches her wing out wide again, resting it apon the stool and cocking her head to look up to Kai.
Rakintaa says, "What are you painting?"
Kai'liai looks blankly to Jenna... whatever's been being said, she hasn't understood it, but guesses this must mean she should go back to her craft. She bows her head to
Rakintaa, then stands again, and gets her brush and dyepot.
Rakintaa says, "Oh. I appologize. I forgot myself -- I was asking what you were painting." in common.
Kai'liai whews softly. "Oh! Uhm... it's kind of an abstract design across the backs of the flight feathers. Here, I'll show you..." She slips her fingers through the outer primaries, and glances to Jenna, making sure she's ready... then begins making quick smooth painting strokes with her brush, dipping it into the dye between each stroke. Three quick motions per feather, and she's drawn a dark blue arc that runs from just inside the feathershaft, near the base, outwards to outside the shaft, and then back in again, falling off the inner edge.
Kai'liai talks as she works, "See, when she folds her wings these will dissapear completely, but when she droops them a little, these parts will peek out... and then spread completely, they make this nice fanlike pattern..."
Rakintaa smiles gently. "Very pretty, and clever. You are a skilled painter, miss...?"
Kai'liai eeps, and holds her hand to her muzzle briefly, accidently dripping a line of blue across her own pale white shoulder. "I'm so sorry! I'm Kai'liai, miss Rakintaa!"
Jenna chirps a little, her head cocking, but she holds her wing absolutly still.
Kai'liai is constantly reminded that she has a LOT of growing and learning to do before she graduates from her current class of attendant and helper!
Rakintaa gives a soft chuckle. "Hai, hai, relax. Kai'liai. I promise that I will not be offended."
Kai'liai whews softly, and relaxes a little. "I'm sorry, I'm just ... uhm... well, you're someone I've really hoped to meet. I was Master Kwynaiel's student, and he spoke so highly of the Windhaven council..." Confidence restored, she resumes painting, pausing on the third feather in to look carefully at the imping job. This one she has to go slowly on, using four slower strokes to pass over the change in texture.
Rakintaa says, "Ahhhh... Kwynaiel's friend. I am glad to meet you, then." in common.
Raine wanders along, a small cloth package clutched under one arm as she skirts around the gryphons, though her eyes drift from her path to the unicorn painting the gryphon. There's something you certainly don't see everyday...
Kai'liai smiles warmly at Rakintaa. "Thank you, ma'am! He taught me a lot about your culture and people, I'm just glad I finally managed to take time off and come visit." She works quickly and smoothly as she talks, quickly finishing the primaries. Again she takes a little break, letting Jenna relax.
Jenna sighs a little, letting her wing close a little to take the strain of holding so stil off, then she strechies her wing out atain for Kai, churrring incuragingly to the unicorn
Kai'liai resumes with the secondaries, using only two strokes on these shorter feathers...
Rakintaa watches interestedly.
Taareek flicks his dark tail slowly.
Stormrider watches quitetly, though he waves awing at the dragon that sneaks near
Jenna flicks her tail twords Taareek, a soft churr coming from her for a momant she she looks apon him
Rakeeth glides downwards from above to land near the base of the pyramid.
Rakeeth has arrived.
Of course, it's rather hard for a big ol' dragon covered in feathers and strange paint to sneak up on anything, so as Stormrider waves, Raine only waves back, shifting her bundle to a slightly more comfortable position.
Rakeeth spirals downwards, a touch awkward on his wings as yet... not catching quite as much air as he's used to, but he manages a passable landing at the edge of the gathering, giving a polite croon of greetings to those close by as he ruffles up his crestfeathers and looks around with interest.
Kai'liai finishes the last feather and whistles softly and breaths out, letting the tension leave her arms. "Whew. Okay, Jenna, you're done! Just hang on while it dries..." She leans over, again blowing on the spots that seem a little damper than others...
Taareek smiles at Jenna, checking over the wings decorations.
Jenna blushes a little and smiles, struggling not to fluff her feathers untell Kai tells her its safe to do, she cocks her head a little, "If you want to try other things later, let me know, I am not one to make art, but I do enjoy it."
Kai'liai puts her dye pot away carefully, slips the brush into it's holder to keep it from drying out, then lays out on her back, spreading her arms out wide. "Wow. That's so much more tiring than I ever though it would be!"
Jenna nods, "Still, it looks realy nice, I will be sure to show off and send you even more business to, if you want."
Kai'liai laughs, sitting back up and wrapping her arms around her knees. "I don't think I'm good for more than two or three more tonight, before I have to stop!"
Jenna nods, "THough, I would be interested in trading for some of the paints you use, I think the featherpainters in Windhaven will like them to."
Stormrider chirps a soft hello to Rakeeth, then moves a little closer to Rakintaa, his tail giving a little flick.
Gaerwyn glides downwards from above to land near the base of the pyramid.
Stormrider is standing near Rakintaa, as she watches a unicorn finnish painting Jenna's wings.
Something apears over the trees. It wobbles badly as it comes in. After a few moments, it can be seen to be a large Drake. And boy does he have REALLY bad form in flight. It soon becomes obvious to anyone watching him that he has little idea how to land, cause he's coming in really fast and really steep.
Stormrider glances up a little and notices the drake, and his rather dangerious angle of decent, he glances around, not knowing what he should do."
Rakeeth lifts his head a touch higher as he sees the drake coming in, a clack of his beak as he notes its unsteadiness, trying to decide if he should try and launch up to the rescue... "Cup your wings and beat, hrrrrf!" He calls out.
Gaerwyn drops down quickly, and suddenly realizes he is NOT going to be able to safely land before he hits the Bazaar. He tries to pull up quickly, and barely clears the heads of some of the patrons. After circling around, he comes in a bit more shallow, and manages to land calmly. Rough, but calm enough. Atleast he can walk away form it...
Taareek peels his eyes away from the newly painted Jenna, to see what everyone else notices.
Gaerwyn says, "Gotta get that down. Should make a mental note..."
Kai'liai watches the gryphon soar overhead... thinking maybe he's just being dramatic, and not really understanding how dangerous that was.
Rakeeth gives Gaerwyn an understanding look, "You've had little enough practice with the magic out... it will come with time. Hrrr." He steps over to give the drake a polite tap of beaks.
Gaerwyn nuzzles Rakeeth's beak, and walks besi him towards 'Rider.
Stormrider blinks, "Gaerwyn? I was not sure you where going to come."
Gaerwyn says, "Well, I had planned to leave earlier, but I got tied up. I managed to chew loose a little while ago..."
Rakeeth turns back towards Jenna and the unicorn filly, considering the painting job with critical eyes... but he seems to like what he sees.
Jenna smiles and admires her wings, a soft purr of pleasure coming from her, unoticing the drake, his plight, or the resilution of such, she turns to Kai, then smiles and gives her a gently nuzzling, "THank you, its beautiful."
Gaerwyn nuzzles Stormy warmly, and licks his beak. He's probably a bit more affectionate than the younger drake owuld like, but he's glad to see him.
Stormrider blushes, but gnetly returns Gaerwyn's nuzzle, ducking his head a little as his feathers fluff, still somewhat embarased by open displays of efection.
Rakintaa nods slightly as Rakeeth appears behind her. "Ah, so you came to join the festivities, did you?"
Rakeeth bobs his head, "Aye, I did matron. Hrrr, off shift..."
Jenna blushes a little as she notices Rakeeth's look, her head ducking a little
Kai'liai smiles. "I'm glad you like it, Jenna! It's kind of simple, but I think you'll be happy with it. And it should wear pretty well, too."
Jenna grins, "You must come to windhaven after I molt and do me again, I would gladly host you there, even you could stay with me if you would like.
Rakintaa smiles slightly. "Glad you could come, Rakeeth."
Kai'liai's eyes widen a little, and she looks from Jenna to Rakintaa, and back again. "It will be a few weeks before I can take the time away again, but... I'd really like that, if it would be alright?"
Rakeeth hrrrs, "I am curious as the festivities, and its nice to get fresh air away from the aerie for a time..."
Rakintaa says, "Certainly, Kai'liai. Feel free to visit us any time."
Kai'liai rubs her neck and shoulders as Rakintaa lapses back into gryphon speech, guessing it must not be something for her to understand.
Rakintaa says, "Certainly, Kai'liai. Feel free to visit us any time." in common.
Kai'liai smiles and bows her head respectfully. "Thank you so much, lady Rakintaa. I really am honored. I'll come and visit as soon as I can! Though... given how busy things have been, that may not be until spring..."
Jenna smiles and fluffs her feathers a little, "Good, I am gald you can come, there is no need to worry, its going to be months before I molt out, near the end of sumer if posable?
Rakintaa repeats, "Any time."
Kai'liai smiles, and looks very happy. "Thank you..."
Gaerwyn says, "So what is there to eat around here, Stormy? I'm famished."
Stormrider chuckles a little and leads Gaerwyn off to the food venders, blushing a little as one vender frm windhaven propositions him right there out in the open.
Kai'liai has partially disconnected.
Rakeeth slips aside, though the get together is interesting... it was a long flight, so he moves towards some of the brush to the south, and settles down to nap.
Taareek gets up on all fours, stretching long.
Gaerwyn looks at said vendor, and sighs. He's standing right beside him, and others are not showing enough respect to leave the poor drake be. What is he going to have to do to make others understand that he is with 'Rider? Cover him in public?
Jenna smiles and moves twords Taareek, fluffing her feathers happily, "Look dear! Is it not pretty!" she crys out, spreading her wings a little to let him see the art preformed apon her body
Stormdancer pads out from the dark, looking a bit tired, happy, and a touch disheveled... apparently recently having indulged in some sort of fairly rough game. The sudden white flash of Jenna's spread wings brings him to pause and cock his head back.
Gaerwyn looks at Jenna and can appreciate the art. He will have to have his own wings done again soon.
Kai'liai leans back, looking quite pleased that Jenna's so happy with her work.
Stormrider nibbles at Gaerwyn's shoulder softly, then shakes his head, "Don't worry about it, I think he was joking." he looks to the vender who nods, and says softly, "Just a joke lad, hope you and your friend don't mind."
Taareek smiles at Jenna, nuzzling at Jenna's cheek. "Very lovely." He smiles at Kai. "You do good work."
Gaerwyn says, "Heh. Been a bit stressful of late. Don't mind me. I'm a little over possessive when I'm stressed."
Stormrider pokes Gaerwyn, "Don't forget, I am not your property, if I want to find someone else for a little, I can, and so can you."
Kai'liai blushes pinkly around the muzzle, and smiles. "Thank you! I think I'm going to take a nap for a while... if anyone sees Aubri, tell him he can wake me up, and I'll do his wings like I promised!"
Gaerwyn says, "I know."
Gaerwyn says, "I'll feel better after I eat."
Rakintaa nods a bit to Kai. "I will keep my eyes open." She smiles a bit as Stormdancer appears, and greets him with one half-spread wing.
Jenna 's wings are painted with streaks of blue that who only when hwe wings are opened, a rather striking patern
Gaerwyn says, "Your sire just made an appearance, Ride."
Stormrider nods, and before he can say anything to vender is offering them some food, Here, on me this time, I did not mean my joke to be so ofensive."
Stormdancer slips closer to the group, spying many familiar faces... a nice change from the many strangers and barely-knowns he's been with today. "Rakintaa... very fine to meet you again tonight... the day went well for you, I hope?"
Rakintaa nods. "Quite well. Thank you. And you?"
Stormrider nods, "I noticed." he sighs a little, "We should probly get this over with, but after we eat."
Stormdancer gape-grins, nodding as he works a sore wrist. "Very good. Learned a few new games, found some very pleasant company for a few hours... so far, it seems the last few months of harsh times have made everyone much more eager to lay differences aside, for a little while at least."
Jenna blushes a little at Storm's words, her tail flicking to twitch aginst Taareek's side
Gaerwyn nods, and accepts the food, as well. "Eating is a good thing."
Taareek mrrrrs, rubbing Jenna's tail with his own.
Stormrider nods, "It will make me better able to deal with him, thankfully he has not noticed me yet.
Rakintaa chuckles a bit. "Dare I ask, Stormdancer?"
Stormdancer hasn't noticed his offspring's presence yet, obviously.
Stormdancer chortles, and touches beaks with Rakintaa. "Mrhrhrmmm... only if you want to find out..."
Jenna smiles happily against, her feathers fluffing up, she moves closer to Taareek, chirping happily.
Rakintaa shakes her head, snorting. "You're incourgible."
Stormdancer tilts his head, admiring Jenna's wings. "You look much better, now, Jenna. You may turn into something Windhaven will be glad to have back. I hope so." He nods slowly, smiling. What a change from that worthless dreg who dragged herself to his aerie just a few weeks ago!
Stormdancer slicks his crest and flares his throatfeathers, dark golden eyes sparkling brightly. "Mrhrhrmmm... verrrry..."
Taareek leans against Jenna's side, nuzzling her cheek softly.
Stormdancer a little and gives him a little wink
Jenna blushes, her tail giving a little twitch as she leans into Taareek, she grins at Stormdancer a little and gives him a little wink
Gaerwyn says, "He's quite handsome. I will be the real hen in this relationship if you look anything like him when you are older. He's much more handsome than I am."
Stormrider blushes and ducks his head, "You realy think so?"
Rakintaa shakes her head... has to chuckle a bit at the drake's attitude, as she pads away into the milling crowd...
Stormdancer snorts bemusedly at Jenna, and grins back, bobbing his head slightly. He sidesteps his hindquarters around until he's roughly paralell with Rakintaa, and brushes his beak lightly and briefly against the top of her wingshoulder. "Enjoy yourself!" he calls to her as she steps away... a lingering glance on her hindquarters. Three or possibly more times his age, yes, but... there's still something attractive about her to him.
Taareek purrrs as he nibbles at Jenna shoulder.
Gaerwyn looks at Dancer's hindquarters as he turns his back to the pair who are watchign him, and then clicks his beak. "Oh, my."
Jenna ducks her head a little, her feathers puffing up as Stormdancer grins back at her, she leans closer against Taareek, hoping he understands as she watches to big handsome drake, she understands too manys disire to have him.
Gaerwyn says, "Definitely, Ride. You're going to be a very handsome drake. I am quite honored to be your companion."
Stormrider blushes a little, "Well, if you say so, its probly true." he shakes his head a little, "Lets go and see dad, before I get my guts in a knot."
Taareek chuckles softly, watching the one Jenna is looking. He beakbumps her gently in his direction.
Gaerwyn says, "That would be a bad things after eating..."
Gaerwyn pads beside Rider, towards Dancer, and stops a half step back when they get close.
Stormdancer would be enormously amused to hear Gaerwyn's comments, but fortunately is oblivious to them. He lifts his head and scents across his tongue, then clicks his beak and says "I think I'm going to find a bowl of sweetwater and a haunch of spiced meat... I'll be back in a minute..."
Jenna giggles a little, then ducks her head to nuzzle up under Taareek's beak, "Wanna come with me? I can introduce you."
Stormdancer turns to go in search of food, and finds himself facing his eldest son out of Altair. He pauses, then resumes his pace, now directly towards Stormdancer instead.
Elizarraraz glides downwards from above to land near the base of the pyramid.
Taareek smiles, nuzzling between Jenna's ears. "Perhaps when he is less busy."
Stormrider walks up to Stormdancer, then softly chirps, "Dad." his head cocking a little, wondering if he will even be noticed.
Gaerwyn notes that Dancer has turned to approach, and prepares for the inevitable...
Jenna giggles a little and nods, "SUre, I would be glad to just stay here with you for a while love."
Taareek chucklepurrrs as he licks at Jenna's ear.
Stormdancer nods, and arches his head to touch beaks formally with his son. "Stormrider... I'm pleased you could come." He glances at the drake who's closeby, frowns slightly, then shrugs and nods. "Your mate?" he wonders.
Stormrider sighs a little, letting his beak tap lightly with Stormdancer's, he nods a little, "Sorta, its hard to explain, maybe sorta in the way you and mom are."
Gaerwyn says, "We have met, Stormdancer."
Stormdancer gives the drake a second look, and then smiles. "Ahh, yesss, we did!
Gaerwyn. I remember now." He looks back at his son, and chiurrs, "He's still keeping you happy? I told him he had better, or there would be ... unpleasantness." Uncommon for a meeting with Stormrider, there's a glint of humor in Stormdancer's eyes. He's had an excellent time at the festival, apparently.
Gaerwyn clicks his beak.
The Shkrill gryphons seem subdued, and a couple of them part ranks to expose a newcomer: the Shkrill Queen Elizarraraz herself, red paint smeared against her beak and across her white feathering. Her chevron on her hip is glossy with new paint. She comes to the fore of the Shkrill group, and sits at their head with a light flick of her tail.
Off in the night, the firemages have begun their work upon the three great billowing bonfires again... with a bit more success than the night before. Colors shift and swirl, matched with almost recongizable shapes.
Stormrider grins a little and nods, "Oh yes, if he does not, well, he gets to sleep on the floor by himself." the is a slight glint of humer in his eys as well, and some happyness as well, "THough, threre is this rather nice new one hen that I was thinking of taking off to the side for a little.
Jenna ducks her head a little and leans into Taareek, then she moves before him and settles to her rump, her head cocking a little as she chirps up to him
Gaerwyn feigns mock-indignation.
Rakintaa slowly steps out of the festivities, approaching the leader of the third aerie. "Elizarraraz," she says with a slight nod. "Welcome. We were unsure if you would show up."
Taareek smiles and moves to settle on top of Jenna gently, nuzzling at her feathers.
Stormrider rump bumps Gaerwyn, "Remember, free or its not worth having. Mom and dad tought me that, neverseen two people do devoted, even though thay never got to spend a lot of time togeather."
Stormdancer smiles and nods, seeming pleased. "That is good news... on both counts, I think. Just... be careful when you dally with a hen, mrhrrr? Beware you don't get her with egg.
Well-partied or not, Stormdancer is a hunter and fighter to his core.... and he senses a subtle shift in the flow of traffic, the turn of eyes.... He half-turns, and spots the Shkrill congregation, and arches his head back in surprise. "Elizarraraz..." he whispers under his breath. "Son, my apologies, but... this is sssomething I must attend to."
The contrast between Rakintaa and Elizarraraz is strong; on one claw the older matron of Windhaven, and on the other the vibrant young queen of Shkrill. It is perhaps ironic, therefore, when Eli says, "I thank you for your welcome. I thought it wise to see what the younger aeries are up to."
Stormrider nods, "Urr, the shkrill, ok, I will wait for you to finishwith them."
Rakintaa says, "Nothing less than a celebration, which you are, as you know, fully welcome to enjoy."
Jenna churrss softly, her feathers puffing up hugly, cuddling up into Taareek, her wings flcikg closed, then opening a little, behind his forelegs.
Gaerwyn regards the Shkrill with definite distaste. His own personal troubles with them have colored his perceptions, apparently. He makes certain to keep his distance from any of them.
Taareek purrrs as he watches the crowd with a curious headtilt. He rest his head on top of Jenna's.
Stormdancer pads across to meet with Eli as well. "Welcome, honored matriarch of the Shkrill!" he chiurrs, in good humor. "I'm glad you could come, Elizarraraz. This festival would not have been truly worth the holding if you had not made it."
A gryphon shaped shadow whisks overhead.
Ausith glides downwards from above to land near the base of the pyramid.
Jenna giggles a little and just watches the crowd, hoping that Stormdancer will come back to her later, she cuddles happily with Taareek, beeming with good cheer.
One of the Shkrill cowers by Eli's side, unsure of whether to risk begging her attention. Eli ignores him for now, focused on Rakintaa. "The sphere needs more celebrations," she says. "We have had little to be pleased about lately." She looks beyond the Windhaven gryphoness as Stormdancer chiurrs to her. "Stormdancer - its been /so/ long. You are much too kind; surely the Grylra are known for being able to entertain themselves as well as others!"
Taareek purrrs to the hen under him softly, contrasting her white frame with his black one.
Stormrider shakes his head, "I don't know, but I have never had a proiblem with them, if thay behave, I don't care."
Stormdancer advances to touch beaks with Eli, braving her respectably fiercesom enterage. "It really is good to see you, Eli. We do need to celebrate... a possible end to the hardship of the last few months, and the return of flight to our wings. The timing couldn't be better."
Rakintaa shrugs slightly. "Hardships are aplenty, certainly. Now, though, we celebrate the beginning of their end."
Jenna's bright white wings flash ocasinaly from under dark shadow that is Taareek, showing her new found happyness to any who might notice
Gaerwyn says, "You've not been attacked by them when you were out hunting and minding your own business."
Stormrider shakes his head, "True, but times have been hard, give them a chance, ok dear? maybe thay will be better than in the past?"
Taareek grooms the back of Jenna's head softly.
Gaerwyn says, "For you, I will be still concerning them."
Gaerwyn rubs his beak against his mate's, and then his neck.
Jenna chirps happily, leaning into Taareek's gently preening
Elizarraraz accepts the light touch of Stormdancer's beak on her own, purring quietly, pleased. "I felt the wind under my wings for the first time in months," she says. "Despite my... opinions as to how these hardships came to be in the first place, I and mine are willing to set that aside and celebrate their ending."
Rakintaa says, "That is wonderful. Again, Eli, welcome. Feel free to relax with us and eat in peace."
Stormrider bobs his head just a little, a soft sigh coming from him, "Windhaven was willing to let me try to prove myself, we can give the shkrill no less."
Taareek purrrs as he continues to nuzzle and groom the feathered area.
Keereth streches, at all the comotion she comes out from behind the healers tent, moving twords the large group, and the group of shkrill.
Stormdancer slicks his crest, and then rouses happily. "You and your people are very welcome. The atmosphere has been very enjoyable and relaxed... even old enemies have found time to share a meal, wine, and a game or two." He chuckles, flicking his tail as he gazes out over the hundreds, possibly thousands of festival-goers. "I've even made peace with one of my old foes. Though I did still best him at bonetossing."
Jenna tentativly lifts her voice and trills a hello the the shkrill, asking them to join her, hough the thought makes her a little nervise, she presses closer agianst Taareek.
Taareek tilts his head at Jenna's nervousness to the recently arrived group. But being new he remains quiet.
"Its a welcome respite from the more serious games we play, Stormdancer," Eli says, referring to the struggle for survival every gryphon participates in. "Your skill is assuredly legendary now that you've put your old foe to rout."
Jenna cocks her head a little, wondering if any of the shkrill will even respond, but she sighs a little and presses herself gently into Raareek's warmths
Stormdancer laughs, and flexes his wrist, apparently a little sore from his gaming. "Was it not, before?" he chiurps, mocking offense... then relaxing, and adding, "You... all of your people, and everyone here, should eat and drink their fill... nothing we can consume should be carried home again in anything but our bellies."
Ausith is moving about the festival, catching up with some people and nuzzling beaks and feathers where he can.
Taareek snuggles down on top of Jenna a little more as she feels her moves in closer.
Rakintaa says, "That sounds like a very good plan, I think."
Stormdancer stretches his hindquarters. "Which may mean we have to stay a while longer than anticipated, but... I can't think any would complain. A welcome break from the ache of bellies drawn tight against the spine."
Gaerwyn nuzzles into Rider, and gape-smiles a little.
Aubri stretches a little and dives back into the festivities, actually enjoying the crowd for once.
Elizarraraz laughs a little at Stormdancer. "Surely you don't mean us to eat so much we'll become slow and slothful! I think we'll eat enough - enough so that we are filled yet still willing to fly." She really didn't need to give permission to any of her people - several have helped themselves long ago.
Taareek mrrrrs to Jenna, keeping her warm under him.
Rakintaa says, "Well, Stormdancer, Elizarraraz -- shall we help the process along?"
Surukk steps down the pyramid... slowly. Not in decrepitude per se... more like... a methodical approach to the ground and the others. Gryphons from Windhaven who spot him call to each other and look ... even stare at the elder gryphon. Some move out of his way but aren't rushing in to preen or touch him. He is being treated unusually.
Stormrider nuzzles Gaerwyn softly, then adds in, a little tentativly, "I think dad just means that people should enjoy themselvs, and eat all that thay might wish, not to turn away something because thay worry about attack, or something going wrong. This is sapoed to be a happy time, one filled with join, and friendship, even thoes who hate each other putting it aside untell the festival is finnished.
Keereth slowly moves to join Eli, her head cocking a little.
Ausith spots Surukk easily enough, and wonders at the others' reaction to him. He was far from the Pyramid when Surukk started down, and takes a few moments to eel his way through the throngs to visit him.
Surukk pulls himself to a stop when he sees that someone he used to know well is trying to reach him. He glances behind to see if there is a clear enough path to the pyramid's summit.
Stormdancer nods. "I was just about to search out some sweetwater and spiced haunch..."
Jenna blinks at all the rucus, her head cocking, she looks around, finaly spoting Surukk, she trys to stand abruptly, her wings cathing with Taareek's forelegs as she shrecches loudly "MA!"
"Surely I'm not stopping you!" Elizarraraz says to the Grylran leader.
Rakintaa clarifies, "Would you join us, Eli?"
Taareek blinks at Jenna, scrambling to get off of her.
Stormdancer shakes his head. "Not at all... I thought I'd show you to a particularly good vendor or two, before I started stuffing my crop."
Surukk takes a few steps back. He hasn't spoken a word to anyone, and his feathers are slickened down making him look a little smaller despite his historic bulk.
Stormdancer lifts his head at Jenna's outcry, and gives a puzzled frown as he tries to track what she's commoting about.
Jenna runs twords Surukk, for the momant Taareek almost forgotten, her tail flicking up to stroke agianst his beak, and almost wave for him to follow her and she screeches at the top of her lungs, "MA! MA!"
Gaerwyn snorts. He is still not pleased to see the Shkrill deligation, but he refuses to allow them to ruin his enjoyment of his companion, nor this festival.
Taareek just blinks again.
Elizarraraz grunts amusedly and nods. "I think I should like that; although I think I would give the vendor a very good shock." A couple of her entourage gets up as she does, but she waves them down.
Some of the joviality creeps out of Ausith's gaze, and he looks oddly at Surukk. "It has been long, old friend. I miss you, too. Do you fare well?"
Stormrider chuckles a little to Gaerwyn, "COme with me to say hello to the guests?" then starts walking twords the shkrill, he nods a little, then with a wave of a wing calls out to them "Wait up."
Rakintaa glances over, and even shows surprise for a moment. "Surukk," she murmurs, and moves in that direction... "Excuse me," she says to the other leaders as she parts company with them.
Gaerwyn hesitates. "Only because you ask." His tone is less than pleased about being put in this situation. He's not a diplomat. He doesn't have to be nice to them.
Aubri pads off to find some good food and drink.. It actually feels good to forget who's what, except for 'gryphon'.
Jenna skids to a stop, sliping in the snow and almost slaming into Ausith, she hops about a little, chirping happily, her wings flicking, flashing the deep blue painted along her wings with every flick of her wings
Surukk sits back up against the slope of the pyramid, when Jenna bolts to him, seeming strangely taken aback.
Stormdancer returns his attention to Eli, for the moment... this is a rare moment, and he intends to make the most of it. "Then please, let's go find something good." He trots off towards one of the tents, apparently a popular place given the crowd outside it.
Taareek sits back on his haunches where he was previously.
Stormrider cocks her head to Gaerwyn "COme with me please?" then heads twords Eli, he calls out, "Wait up a momant?" a little tentativly, he at lest wants to try and show the shkrill some friendlyness.
Gaerwyn pads after Rider. He never seemed to not follow, though he is definitely showing that he is not doing it without some reservation.
Jenna hops a little happily, things are realy coming up roses for her today, she cheeps rapily up to Surukk, "Ma! Jenna is so gald to see you agian, I wanna show you a new friend I made, a speacial friend, I hope you liek him!"
Elizarraraz follows Stormdancer - and does so alone, her normal entourage not following her. Her guards are definetly disturbed by this, and seem at a loss as to what to do. They are even more excited with Stormrider runs up to the Queen, suspicious that someone means her some harm, but halted by her unspoken order.
Rakintaa slowly moves up behind Jenna, sitting down and gently placing one paw on her back. "Shh... Calm, little one..."
Stormdancer is a bit surprised by Stormrider's desire to come along... not something he'd ever have expected! "This is my son, Stormrider, out of Altair. He chose to join the Windhaven, shortly after he became flighted. Stormrider, this is the honorable Elizarraraz, matriarch of the Shkrill." There's a cautioning tone to his voice, hoping that his get will show proper respect.
Aubri raises his head at the disturbance, chuckling a little as the Queen herself joins the festivities. He moves that direction with a grin.
Ausith says, "Hrrr..Surukk? What is wrong?" He takes a few more tentative steps forward, moving slowly. "Welcome home."
Gaerwyn stops short behind Rider, to remain present, but out of direct inquiry.
Stormrider moves up to Eli, pausing a moment to offer to touch beaks with her, if she will let him, he churrs softly to her, "Hello, I am pleased to meet you, I hope that you will enjoy the festival, and perhaps someday invite us to partake of yours as well."
Surukk draws in a deep breath and oily tears show at his eyes. he still hasn't said anything to anyone, and Windhaveners... older ones especially... are giving him a cautious and respectful berth.
Jenna stops bouncing around quite so much, but she squirms under Rakintaa's claws, her wings twitching, happily cheeping her pleaasure to see Surukk returned.
Rakintaa says in a soft voice, "Welcome home, Surukk. It has been... too long..."
Elizarraraz clacks her beak at the impetuous, fearless youngster, quickening her pace to keep up with Stormdancer. "He's a handsome one," she says as she looks at him. "Worthy of your line. I'm sure you'll teach him well." She sighs lightly. "I only wish I had my own young, so that they could fly with yours."
Stormdancer would likewise be pleased to see Surukk back home in Shrilk, but at the moment he's walking side-by-side with the Shkrill leader Elizarraraz, conversing amiably, and seemingly headed to share a meal. A few hundred meters away, great bonfires lend their warmth and light to the crisp night air, their flames shaped and colored by mages faltering with lack of practice and uncertain magics... but still doing their best.
Stormrider blinks and cocks his head, hurrying a little to keep up with Eli, "I think I would like that, even if I live at windhaven, I still think there is much that we can learn from you and your people."
Surukk takes another forced deep breath and looks back up to the top of the pyramid. Tension is palpable... but when Rakintaa says the words "Welcome home," the elder gryphon stumbles forward, losing his self controlled composure. A female and then a male Windhaven, then a Grylran, step closer..
Stormdancer rouses at the quite unexpected compliment, his stride briefly and slightly stumbled. "I... wish that too, Eli. I've always thought our young were our future..." He is uncharactaristically at a loss for words.
Gaerwyn snorts, and proceeds to follow beside Stormrider. He looks at the older drake approaching and being shown respect, and considers who he might be. However, the young drake doesn't get in his way.
Jenna squirms out from under Rakintaa's foreclaw, her wings twitching a little, but now that she is free she seems almost afraid to move closer to Surukk, finnaly she does, just a little, a soft tentative, but loving cheep coming from her
Ausith gryns at Surukk, and steps foward to meet him as he comes. He holds his wings loosely, ready to open one to his dear friend when the meet.
Aubri pads up alongside Stormdancer, brushing him with a wingtip. "Good evening," he grins, then nods at Eli. "And to you, Queen. Good evening."
Surukk raises his wings to invite cotact in, finally. He croaks over the raucous welcome, "I didn't know if I would be remembered...."
Rakintaa gently rubs her beak against Surukk's neck, wings opening halfway, as if ready to hold and support him...
Stormrider grins a little, "If you want, I can show you a booth that has a goodly veriaty of spiced meats and fresh small animals, I think someone brought them from outsphere."
Stormdancer chiurps happily to see Aubri, and touches beaks with him. "Good evening, and getting better still," he grins, "I hope yours is going well!"
Surukk cries freely now, haltingly saying in his deep raspy voice, "I didn't know if I had a home... any more... anywhere." He stays in place because he is on his knees, haunches not really supporting him any more.
"There is much we all could learn from each other, Storm... rider, is it?" She nods at the young drake, pleased. "Our young are our future - all of our futures, Stormdancer. If the actions of me and mine have ever been viewed as extreme, its because of my concern for my people." The Queen looks serious for a moment. "I think you can understand that." She says the last with the lilting voice of hope... even though she seems surprised that Stormdancer was at a loss for words. She pauses, along with Stormdancer, at Aubri's interruption and greeting.
Rakintaa presses her breast to Surukk's and curls her wings around him... "Of course you are," she says sofftly. "You will always be remembered and loved at Windhaven. It is your home, we your family..."
Ausith presses up against Surukk's side, and drapes a wing over him. He tucks his beak into the other's neckruff, chirring quietly. "Not remember? How could any of us ever forget you? I have wondered where you are since you went missing!"
Rakintaa says, "We all have."
Stormrider bobs his head a little, smiling as his name is remember, his tail flicking a little happily
Gaerwyn mumbles something about being viewed as a food item as being extreme...
Stormdancer slicks his feathers... more unexpected words from the Shkrill's leader. And another reminder that conflict has perhaps obscured far too much that's shared in common. "Wise words," he says quietly. "And yes... I do understand." He sighs, and looks at his son. "I understand so well that it aches."
Aubri cocks his head at Eli, picking up on the sober mood. "I'm doing well," he mutters to Storm, almost absently, also wondering at the shkrill queen's comment.
Surukk swallows, and his face is wet with the ears of so very long away. He raises his wings up high, their very large surface area shining in the distant firelight. "Rakintaa... you said what I needed to hear the most." He dips his head, to nudge at Ausith, and at Jenna...and then tentatively to Rakintaa.
Jenna cheeps softly, moving to give Surukk a soft tender nuzzle, "Ma, Jenna, I want you to meet someone, please? I want him to live with me, if he will.
Elizarraraz looks a little sad as she looks at Stormrider. "Understand that Crag has never been a very good place for young," she says. She opens her beak and then shuts it - something seems to be tearing her apart.
Rakintaa smiles... "This is a time for rejoicing, and your return is all the more reason to celebrate."
Stormrider nods a little, then a littler nerviously adds, "I do not know if your people would except me, but, I would like to come and visit fort crag, and maybe, by trusting each other that little bit, a greater trust would grow between the aeries?"
Stormdancer muhrrrs softly, and brushes his beak against Eli's cheek. "I can imagine," he says quietly. "And... well... we'll talk more of this in a quieter place, perhapsss? For now... let's enjoy the pleasures, and relax."
Rakintaa adds, "Stormdancer, Elizarraraz and I were about to settle down to a meal -- if you would care to join us?"
Elizarraraz looks up, a little surprised at Stormdancer's brush on her cheek, and puts on a brave face. "Yes... yes. Some other time," she says to him, and brushing aside some of her bothersome thoughts.
Stormrider sudenly moves a little closer to ELi,then gives her a soft brush of his beak on her shoulder, "Maybe with peace, other joys can be found as well?"
Surukk looks around at the faces of the gryphons near, that come up and beak touch him, or preen him slightly, and murmur words of encouragement. He says to Rakintaa, "Yes... yes I would like that very much... if I can move a little slowly."
Stormdancer chiurrs to Stormrider, "We can hope... now where's this source of fresh meat, mrhrhrmmm?"
Jenna hops about a little, then sudenly darts off, running to one side and the ebon gryphon sitting there, "Taareek! Come and see ma, I want you to see my family, the only one sitll alive!"
Taareek blinks at Jenna, getting up to follow her. "Ma?" He looks over at the group by the pyramid, a little hesitant.
Surukk flinches suddenly, very visibly.
Stormrider grins a little, leading the group off to one side, "This way dad, Eli, umm, you don't mind if I call you Eli?"
Jenna bobs her head and almost drags Taareek with her, running almost back to surukk, nipping people to get them out of her way, chirping up happily, "Ma! Ma! I want you to meet my friend!"
Rakintaa gently nuzzles Surukk, wincing as well at Jenna's accustomed bluntness. "You may move as slowly as you like, as long as we can get there before the end of the festival."
Elizarraraz recoils a little from Stormrider's touch - although she really didn't mean to. She looks at him for a brief moment, and says "As the frost melts, so do hearts." A trifle enigmatic... and she doesn't seem disturbed at being called Eli by such a young drake, although it is perhaps not very... seemly.
Taareek moves to follow Jenna, looking over his shoulder in case anyone protests.
Surukk nods to Rakintaa. It was that, exactly.
Stormrider smiles tentativly to Eli, "I hope I am not being too forward, but I was afraid that if everyone is too formal we would never get to the food, you know?"
Stormdancer grimaces a little... he never did get a chance to teach 'Rider proper decorum. But then, his own sense of the proper is a bit skewed perhaps.
Gaerwyn puffs up a little. If he's going to be in the company of royalty, he should at least look like he belongs there. How odd, to be thrust into this position by fate. He regards Rider's antics with some amusement. Eli is taking it well, though. Perhaps the Shkrill will be more tolerable under her control than they had been when anarchy reigned.
Jenna has no clue that she hurt Surukk, lost in the excitment of having her ma back, she just about drags Taareek up before Surukk, "Ma, Jenna wants you to meet Taareek, he is my new friend, I realy realy like him."
"So when do our two aeries join?" Aubri grins, nudging Stormdancer playfully.
If they're more tolerable, the other Shkrill that came with Eli don't particularly show it. Most are reasonably behaved, although reckless and rowdy - one or two are outright bullies. They are very much a contrast compared to the serene Queen. "I understand, Stormrider... forgive me for my misguidance."
Stormdancer, for once, lets his son lead the way, gesturing with his beak that he should do so. He chuckles at Aubri, and gestures out toward the festivities vaugly. "I think that some of our members have been, and vigerously... this may be a very fertile spring and summer." He draws a deep breath, and sighs it out gustily. "Skies. What a change."
Surukk looks around... blinking at being around so many...so many gryphons again. He looks Taareek over... up, and down. He awaits speech from this young buck.
Stormrider twitches his tail a little nerviously, he knows this is not how your saposed to treat people of imprtance, but he is trying for something more, maybe even to make friends, he smiles up to Eli, "Oh, theres good food over that way, but I thought this one was the best, thay got this small mammal that thay brought from several spheres away, evadently it likes to infest ships or something, but thay are realy rather good, I wanted you to try one before thay ran out."
Elizarraraz doesn't hear Aubri's light taunt of Stormdancer, having been speaking with Stormrider.
Aubri chuckles softly and bobs his head. "Hrr, almost like a new beginning, isn't it?"
Gaerwyn tries to overlook their behavior, as his mate has asked him to be nice to the young queen out of respect for him and his father. But not far beneath the surface is the memory of having been the hunted prey of a Shkrill hunting party, and the things that he was forced to do...
Taareek stops a fair distance from the small gathering Jenna has brought him to. He shifts a little on all fours, aware that this maybe a bit much for someone he doesn't know. "Hello."
Jenna runs behind Taareek and pushes him closer, "Say Hi to my ma, Hes realy nice."
Surukk looks to Jenna and to Taareek, then to Jenna again...he smiles just a little and nods. That says volumes. "You are in love with him, Jenna?"
Taareek erfs as he brought closer, ears perking at Surukk's question.
Jenna bobs her head slowly, puffing up her feathers happily, she darts up to gently let her beak stroke though Surukk's soft feathers, "I want him to live with us ma, if he wants to, he is a new one, but I I do love him, almost from when I first saw him so dark, to my light."
Aubri murmurs in Storm's ear after giving Eli a long look, "Cute, isn't she?" He laughs again, giving Eli the most innocent smile he can.
Stormdancer's crest perks and he nods. "That does sound tasty.... there's a good vendor of wine close by, or sweet water, if you prefer." He tilts his head slightly at Aubri's whispered words, and struggles to supress a cough of laughter! "More than you could know..." he chortles in answer.
Elizarraraz clacks her beak at Stormrider's youthful exuberance. Oh... for when she was his age, full of life, and not burdened by worry or by the stress of survival. She turns her head slightly towards Stormdancer, feeling that she's being talked about.
Stormrider smiles softly to Eli, "If I may, I would like to introduce you to my partner?" he says this rather tentativly, afraid to break the mood he has created with luck, and to alow Gaerwyn to get used to the idea, "YOu know, your pretty, noone ever said you where pretty."
Surukk looks very very happy suddenly. "Jenna, that was poetic." He smiles and beaktouches her, then Rakintaa again. He looks to Taareek and says pointedly, "To get my approval, your task will be to protect her, educate her, enlighten her, treat her as the light to your day and the warmth to your belly. You must uplift her when she is sad, and reassure her when she is scared."
Stormdancer simply smiles at Eli, with a gaze that is very much drake-to-hen... eyes pinning briefly... then back to 'business', behaving himself in a much more seemly way as the group approaches the food vendors.
Rakintaa ruffles her feathers up a bit. This is the Surukk she remembers.
Jenna blushes a little and ducks her head, watching Taareek out of one eye, scared that he might fear the atachment she feels, her young heart beating rapidly, softly she chirps up, "He does ma, so much, I am so happy with him with me, I just wanna be close to him, pressing into his wamrth, I want you to like him to."
Taareek nods slowly. "It's true I just met her today...and in that time I have come to like Jenna quite a bit. I would do as you charge even if she were to find someone else after time." He dips his head in respect. "I will give her what she needs."
Elizarraraz looks at Stormdancer, catching his gaze - not necessarily surprised, but... well... her feelings are jumbled, and she feels less sure of herself than she was just a few moments ago. She lets Stormrider distract her, surprised at his impertinence. "Oh, well, I wouldn't expect ... them to, really." She coughs embarassedly.
Jenna wiggles happily and almost poucnes Taareek, her tail lashing rapidly from side to side as she presses her face into his soft warm chest feathers, "Jenna is so happy!" she starts hoping back and forth, giving each of the drakes in her life a soft gentle nuzzle before turning to the other
Stormdancer dips his head briefly, forehead parallell with the ground. Skies, that child... uhrf. What a thing to say to Elizarraraz! But... she seems to have taken it well... that's a relief!
Surukk leans in... no... let's get the word right. He damn well looms over Taareek. "Take good care of her. Better than I could." He stays far too close to Taareek for a moment then sits back.
Rakintaa nudges Surukk with her beaktip. "Shall we?" she says, glancing down towards Stormdancer and Elizarraraz.
Gaerwyn clicks his beakas he catches Dancer. Like sire, like fledgling. He is taken by surprise as Rider pulls him into the light of scrutiny suddenly, though. then is equally as surprised by his completely outlanish compliment to the ruler. Oy vey! He's going to have to learn some manners. Still, she is grace under fire incarnate. Despite his unabating hatred for Shkrill, the young Havener seems to have a growing respect for their queen. Indeed, he is almost getting jealous of Dancer's attentions.
Taareek tilts his head back at the elder gryphon, flicking his tail side to side. "I-I will do what I can with my skills...and learn what I have to watch over her."
Stormrider chuckles a little and fluffs up his feathers, he motions Gaerwyn closer, hoping that Gaerwyn will listen to hia signals, "Gaerwyn, please, I wuld like you to me Elizarrarez, the matriarch of the shkrill. Elizarrarez, I would like to introduce you to my partner, Gaewyn." he is very nervious as he does this, but he hopes that Eli will take it well, amiling tentativly up to her.
Stormdancer murmurs aside to Elizarraraz, "I did tell you he was Windhaven, didn't I?" There's no question of the humor in his voice.
Jenna chirps happily, almost missing that between Surull and Taareek, she chirps softly and gently preens at Surukk's shoulder, glancing to Taareek, begging him to come closer with her eyes, hoping her two faverate drakes will at lest like each other.
Surukk looks to Ausith and sees... he's gone. So he glances back to Jenna and says firmly, "I have to go now. You two have fun. I want you to be good to each other even when you can't see me." Odd choice of words but there it is. He nods to Rakintaa then and pairs with her.
Jenna bobs her head slowly to SUrukk, "Ma? COme home to me when your done? I miss you, and I need your help. I am trying to start trading again. I think I can get some carts, and maybe some beasts to pull them too.
Taareek pads closer, though he gives Surukk a repsectable space still. Maybe new, but he can figure some need such room.
Gaerwyn says, "Well come and well met, your Highness. Congratulations on your position. I hope to see relations improved between Windhaven and Shkrill."
Aubri laughs a bit himself. "I've already eaten, myself.. WIth your leave," he addresses Eli and Stormdancer both, "I'll see you later.."
Rakintaa makes her way slowly towards the other leaders, making sure Surukk can easily keep up.
Gaerwyn bows to the young Queen, his wings spread in a gesture of respect. He doesn't try to meet her eyes, though. He's not quite that audacious. That would be for his young mate to do...
Elizarraraz looks at Gaerwyn, cocking her head and looking him over - another young drake, product of a foreign aerie. She is silent for a few moments, and she flicks her wing in a respectful motion. "As handsome as you are, Stormrider," she says, and smiles at Gaerwyn as he addresses her respectfully. She leans toward Stormdancer, and snickeringly says "Nobody is perfect."
Stormrider smiles a little nerviously to Eli, then smiles, almost with a little releafe, "Heres the stall, would you like me and my partner to bet a bunch of platters of everything he has and bring it to you?" he glances betwen Eli and Stormdancer with that,, giving them equel right in the matter, "THen you can find a good spot to eat, and let are younger legs do the running around, he cocks his head a little, and gives Eli a slihgtly shy smile, interested in more than he should be posably
Stormdancer gape-grins, tossing his head proudly. "Skies isn't that true!" he laughs, at himself perhaps more than any other. "Now what was that about never getting to the food, son? Hrrf! You're just trying to starve us, I understand!"
Aubri nudges Storm's shoulder. "Try not to leave her too exhausted, hrrm?" he says, perhaps a bit louder than a whisper. "Good evening, all!"
Stormdancer gape-grins to Aubri. "It's not her I'm worried about..." he answers in the same tone. "Good night to you, and find a good nest!"
Jenna chirps happily, turning to give Taareek a soft nuzzle, "Jenna hopes you do not mind her loving you? BUt I do, I can't help myself
Aubri snorts and nods as he pads off into the crowd. "Good evening!" he repeats.
Taareek smiles at Jenna. "How could I not mind?" He gives her a soft nuzzling.
Stormdancer stretches out languidly. "It seems a proper use of such energy," he chiurrs, glancing to Eli to see if she agrees.
Jenna blushes a little, "I am so glad, I was a little worried, the way I came on to you at first and everything, but I realy realy like you, every momant I spent with you makes me like you more, I just hope that ma will like you a lot too."
Taareek smiles again. "Well, I just have to make you happy for that..."
Elizarraraz feels like she should be paying more attention to Stormrider's father, because she keeps missing just what exactly Aubri is saying to Stormdancer - she looks at 'dancer with a curious eye. She chuckles lightly at the young drake. "If you and your mate wouldn't mind...?" she asks, looking at both Gaerwyn and Stormrider.
Surukk opens his beak and breaths deeply a few times as he is led along by Rakintaa... having an enormous difficulty taking in the wash of sensations and the emotional feedback too. He doesn't even realise WHERE he is being led.
Gaerwyn smirks.
Stormrider is allready posed to move, waiting on Eli's word, head cocked a little as he gives a wink to Gaerwyn, he bobs his head, "We would be honered to serve you, for the peace that we hope will grow from this night." then he dashes off, chattering at two of the venders and snatching plattters up and halling them over as quick as he can, he gently sets the first right between Stormdacner and Eli, giving her a soft smiling, and a wink. hoping that Gaewyn does not mind his volentearing them
Jenna smiles and gently preens Taareek, "Your so nice to me."
Stormdancer finds the prospect amusing in it's implications... a former Gyrlra, now a Windhaven, and his mate... serving a Shkrill, and a Grylra. What a strange situation indeed. Much less that he could be near to sharing a meal, in peace, with Elizarraraz! He isn't yet aware of Surukk's presence, nor of he and Rakintaa's approach.
Taareek purrrs and nuzzles at Jenna. "It's quite easy to do, dear."
Gaerwyn follows Rider closely.
Stormdancer gestures with his beak, eyeing the platter hungrily. "By all means..." he chiurrs to Eli, allowing her first choice. After all, she's only recently flown in!
Elizarraraz doesn't feel as strange as Stormdancer. But then again, its well known that she's always felt the clans should be united - just how they would be is a matter of fierce contention. She's amused by rider's enthusiasm, and watches him race off excitedly only to return with the plate. She looks at the black drake beside her, and shakes her head... "Surely I shouldn't be so rude..."
Rakintaa approaches the group, tsking. "Only now getting the food? The service here is terrible." She smiles, teasing, and joins them. "I hope you won't mind an extra diner."
Stormrider then bolts back to the booth, getting a platter heaping with the small mammals she was talking abought, deliberatly he places that one right infrount of Eli, giving her another breaf smile, rather suprised at his interest in her, a shkrill, and a hen to boot, but he ducks his head and runs off for more.
Jenna chirps happily, fluffing up her feathers, then standing and moving right infrount of Taareek, her tail flicking a little as she settles on her rump before him, her head cocking a little to cheep softly up to him.
Gaerwyn returns from a vendor with several large pitchers of sweetwater. Dancer has been using that word too much for him to have missed it.
Elizarraraz is a little taken aback at the attention Stormdancer's get is giving her... and wonders what his mother would think - considering her recent visit to Fort Crag.
Taareek grins as he moves to cover Jenna once more, holding her between his legs warmly.
Jenna grins a little, wiggling, then flicking herwings open a little, behind Taareek's forelegs, nuzzling happily up at the underside of his beak.
Taareek nuzzles at Jenna's ears softly, resting his head atop of her's when done.
Stormdancer looks up as Rakintaa approaches. "No, not at all..." He trails off, seeing Surukk. He blinks, as if unsure the drake was truly there. "Surukk? You came! Skies... I was wondering if you would set wing in our skies again! Welcome, come join us, please!"
Surukk shadows Rakintaa, slow and massive... umber, red and copper and firelight reflected and broad brow raising at his reception.
Elizarraraz looks a little uncomfortable at Surukk's arrival, her claw sliding through some of her breast feathers - a bad habit of hers when she's thinking hard.
Stormrider returns with another large platter of spiced meats, wich he carefully places before Storm, he smiles as he seems Gaerwyn bringing the pitchers of beverages, and wth a soft inquisitive chirp to them both, then finnaly settles between them, his head cocking a little, letting him look at both his sire, and the atractive hen, his tail flicking a little, hoping that Gaerwyn will comesit close to him.
Gaerwyn waits for Rider to finish setting down foo, and then steps on his tail discretely, and gives him a stern look. "Time to calm down, love. You're making our companions nervous."
Jenna chirps softly, happily, her feathers puffing up as she practicly beems with her happyness, an infectious smile on her beak, lost to the wonders the mages might be working, warm in the love of her mate.
Stormdancer casts an amused (and perhaps slightly grateful and pleased) glance at Gaerwyn.
Gaerwyn says, "He has the exuberance of youth, without the wisdom, yet of maturity. Both can be endearing, and should come in their own time."
Rakintaa settles down across from the other two.
Taareek nibbles on Jenna's neck. "Perhaps you should show me where you live..."
Surukk refolds his wings. He steps up beside Rakintaa. "Stormdancer... Elizarraraz... Stormrider. It pleases me deeply to... " He pauses, to gather his thoughts and words. His face is wet with tears still. "... it... I am just happy... to be here."
Stormrider blushes a little and ducks his head, softly he adds, "I hope you do not mind my enthusiasm, its just that I never expect to be able to talk to my fatheragain, and I did not think that I would have a chance to speak in such company, or to see such hope for peace, between all of us."
Bloodstorm comes around the corner of the pyramid from the north.
Jenna blushes a little, "I gotta ask ma if she minds if we use the nest, or I can make us a nest in a diferent room?"
Stormdancer chuckles understandingly. "I honestly never thought I could live to see a night like this one," he agrees, looking at the distinguished gathering. "And having it... living it now... I'm sorry for how long it's taken."
Taareek looks over at the diners and hmmmms. "Well, perhaps we should wait..."
Elizarraraz looks between Stormrider and Stormdancer curiously, wondering what was meant by "never expecting to talk to his father again". She nods respectfully to former Tradelord Surukk, and silently pecks at one of the little (dead) creatures that 'rider brought her on a plate.
Gaerwyn regards the elder Havener warmly. He might be New, but he can see this drake has much respect, and even his mentor has spoken of his 'exploits'. However, he is no one to this 'hero', and remains silent.
Jenna bobs her head a little, "That might be good, I like when your over me like this, it feels so nice and warm and safe."
Surukk rasps, "No apologies now, Stormdancer... not tonight. No apologies now." He steps forward and beaktouches the Grylran leader, and then offers the same gesture to Eli. What will happen from that ... no one knows. He awaits.
Stormdancer returns the beaktouch warmly, still very surprised that his envoy was able to convince Surukk to attend.
Taareek smiles and nods as he snuggles down on top of Jenna comfortably and warmly.
Rakintaa nods, chuckling. "Aye, an none of the "might have beens," hm? We're here now. That's what matters."
Bloodstorm circles above, finally gliding down and backwinging a bit too late, making a rather undignified landing. "Damn..still haven't gotten used to this semi-magical air yet.."
Jenna grins sudnely, "Jenna knows a nice place to snuggle though, its very private, and peaceful
Taareek smiles at Jenna. "That will do, I'm sure."
Surukk glances up to Elizarraraz, hsi head still close to her to either beaktouch in peace or bite. He holds the position.
Elizarraraz furiously rolls her eyes, checking for the location of her entourage, and politely touches beaks with the large Windhaven. She is, after all, on her best behaviour here, and recent events have torn down some of the walls she uses to project position and power.
Jenna grins and wigles a little, standing a little, to incurage Taareek to move off of her, herwings folding tight for a momant
Taareek backs off of Jenna, coming up beside to nuzzle her shoulder softly.
Rakintaa says, "Now, the food..."
Surukk draws his head back from the greeting to Elizarraraz... and goes to lay down, pensive because ... who knows.
Stormdancer nods his head briefly at the peaceful touch, and moreso at Rakintaa's words! He dips his head and shears away a chunk of meat from the larger piece on his platter, before tossing it back into his beak, and pushing the platter out into more neutral space, for any to choose from.
Gaerwyn quietly munches on some baked mammal. He really knows he has nothing he should be saying to these important people, despite knowing that they might actually listen to him right now. it just isn't his place to say much more than he already has.
Stormrider glances at Eli from momant to momant, after each he shakes his head a little, his tail lifts a little, to brush agianst Gaerwyn, for the momant, letting everyone enjoy the repast he has brought them, he hopes that he made good choices, going for veriaty, and for stuff that is tasty, this may be hard, but it should be pleaaaasure too.
Jenna cocks her head a little, "Umm, Jenna forgot to ask, you can fly right?" she leans a little aginast Taareek, fogetting for a momant what she was plaing, just basking in his presance
Taareek unfurls his wings a little. "I'm not sure...and seeing how much trouble some others had..."
Gaerwyn says, "Flying is easy. Landing... That's ahrd."
Bloodstorm wanders around for a time..seems much more crowded than the other day.
Surukk takes a few beak-tears of meat, seeming pleased at how the tender meat pulls apart so easily. "Are there lights again at Windhaven?"
Jenna errss softly and cocks her head, "Umm, we can only get to it flying, if you wanna wait, we can? Or we can try to fly there, I can help you if you need me too.
Elizarraraz pecks at her food, keeping the small creature between her forelegs, and looking at the energetic Stormrider and his partner. She seems a little distant, eyes a bit unfocused - which is unusual indeed considering she is next to Stormdancer and near an old Windhaven rival!
Taareek nods to Jenna. "Well, if should come back to me once I start again reguarly. Lead on."
Rakintaa takes her time, gulping down a few hunks of meat. "Well," she says at length, "We are... working on it. It will be some time before things are as they used to be, but we /are/ phasing out the lanterns now."
Jenna grins a little, and spreads her wings, admiring again the blue designs painted onto the feathers, then she leaps into the sky
The drummers and singers from the previous night have found eachother again, and an audience even more willing to join in with enthusiastic (if somewhat chaotic) echoes of their chantings and percussion... and soon their pounding music fills the crisp night air.
Taareek opens his black wings in mimic to Jenna, pushing himself up into the air as well.
[i]Jenna & Taareek wing their way into the air.[/i]
Gaerwyn notices the gaze and fidgits a little. He's always hated being watched. Particularly by the leader of a group he really does't like. But then he notices she isn't paying real attention to him, and gets curious himself. She is an enigma wrapped in a riddle (wrapped in a milk chocolate coating.... *SMACK* Bad brain). He regards her quietly, while eating his spiced mammal.
Rakintaa says, "The first recipients are those with young and the aged. The rest of us will make-do until the others have been cared for."
Surukk tries to hide his emotions, unsuccessfully. "It was too dark there for me to stay." He is speaking in metaphors, totally... and has such an odd way about him.
Stormdancer mmms, licking his beak. "A few magelights have been made in the last few days, but they're flickery and uncertain... much like flight. I think it will all settle down in the coming days.
Stormrider bobs his head, giving a tender glance to Gaerwyn before chirping in, "Each day it seems easyer to fly, smoother and more like it was before."
Rakintaa brushes Surukk's cheek. "We understand, Surukk. We're just glad you came back."
Bloodstorm approaches, ears forward as he eavesdrops. "Hrrm? What's this I hear about magelights working again?"
Stormdancer looks at the bonfires, their great flames rising up and lending a golden warmth across the crowds that have gathered around them. "I miss warmstones, sometimes, but... I've really come to enjoy fires again, too." He casts a glance toward Eli, realizing that her clan probably has none of these comforts, and his tail flicks uncertainly, accidently (or not?) brushing against hers.
Surukk lists to the side and rests some weight... against Rakintaa. A moment later he extends a wing to touch... Elizararraz. Just a feathertouch. So soft.
Elizarraraz isn't here. Sure, her body is. It still lies there, spicy meat between its forelegs, paint on her feathers and flank as bright and ruddy as they always have been. But her eyes... they look tired. Suddenly she twitches, broken out of thought by the light touches of Stormdancer and Surukk.
Stormrider cocks his head a little, "Ahh, perhaps some of the crafter mages could be incuraged into a friendly compitition? Making fancy lights that can be used as art, as well as light? A fitting gift for new friends?"
Gaerwyn makes as strange a face as an expressionless beak can make, and starts to think. One can almost hear the analytical engine whirr and the smell the smoke risingfro is ears. He's on about something. After a minute he starts to count and perform some manner of mathematical work to himself, waving his claws slightly, as if you form numerical glyphs. He looks at Eli for a VERY long time, but, as her gaze to him, is not actually looking at her. Instead, he appear to be deeply in thought, and not aware of his surroundings.
Surukk says softly, to Stormrider.... "Who is your friend....?"
Stormdancer nods slowly, making a very soft chwirrring sound to Eli, a little concerned by her demeanor this evening. "It's easy to teach someone how to control one, once they're made... and they're not that difficult to create..."
Stormrider blushes a little and makes introductions, "Ahh, this is my umm partner, Gaerwyn, he has been comforting me at Windhaven, giving me a place to stay, and someone to love."
Stormdancer mrrhrms softly at Stormrider's answer. "He's a good drake, Surukk. I think he'll teach Stormrider some calm and poise. Or at least try..."
Elizarraraz suddenly stands up on all fours, and shakes her head to Rakintaa, Stormdancer, Surukk... and the two partners in front of her. "I... I have to leave." She seems disturbed, and even embarrased. "Please... Please forgive my rudeness."
Surukk smiles and nods to Stormrider, and it is no polite smile. It is an approving and loving smile. "A lover for you? A special friend to be... a part of. Good. Good."
Surukk stands up when Eli does, without even realising it.
Elizarraraz turns and starts to leave, not even waiting for acknowledgement - like she's in a terrible rush.
Stormrider stands as well, "Please, ELi, I will leave, please stay and talk, this is important." he backs up a little, almost triping over Gaerwyn
Rakintaa cocks her head. "Don't go," she says, though she doubts she'll be heeded.
Stormdancer rises as well, and looks concerned. "Eli... stay, if you can... we don't mean to make you uncomfortable..."
Unlike the others, Stormdancer follows after her. He feels a strange kinship with Eli, from the time they first met, so long ago. But he doesn't follow -too- close.
Surukk says strongly, with that voice that used to command caravans, "Elizarraraz, please stay here with people who care about how you feel. If we can help...." and he leaves it there... because he realises what he just said.
Stormrider almost follows after Eli too, but he thinks that perhaps e is the cause of her distress, and does not want to cause her more pain.
Gaerwyn stands as well. He seems to have suddenly regains his focus. He starts to say something, and realizes he should probably find another time. Its very important, but he's not important enough to rate holding her up from her presumed affairs of state. Then he realizes what has made her uncomfortable, and blushes. So much attention from so many males, and all of it focused on her, mostly in the same way. How rude of him not to have noticed it before. He does not, however, add his protests to those of his fellow drake's. He figures they would be even less important to her.
Elizarraraz takes several steps away from the group, and some of her entourage appear out of the crowd, wondering what's happened. She pauses for a moment, and turns her head to the other gryphons. Her eyes gleam wetly - more than they should. "No! No, that's not it at all... please... I just have to leave... I just do." She turns her head back, and rushes off with several flaps of her wings.
Elizarraraz wings her way into the air.
Stormrider slumps to the ground an ducks his head under a wing, whispering softly, "I did not mean to hurt her, I just wanted her to feel welcome, maybe more than welcome."
Gaerwyn mumbles quietly... "That won't be good..."
Stormdancer stands, beak agape, watching her fly, along with the brief thunder of her personal guard taking flight after her. It's quite some time before he turns around to the rest of the group... perhaps time spent settling something deep in himself, and hiding it away.
Stormrider starts a little, his head sudenly poping up from under his wing, struck by a thought, his head cocking a little.
Rakintaa sits quietly, not having moved since Eli's initial outburst. "I wonder," she says quietly, "How long it's been since anyone actually cared about her, personally, rather than for what she could get them..?"
Stormrider shakes his head, "SHe can't have children, shes stiril."
Gaerwyn says, "Its deeper than that."
Stormdancer shakes his head slowly, rejoining the others, and the meal. "I think... you have it exactly, Rakintaa." He looks over his shoulder, at the blackness of the night sky, where she left. "I think she was risking a lot to join us tonight. I'm glad."
Stormrider shakes his head a little, "No, I don't think she has any children, and she wants them, she said as much earlyer, remember dad?"
Rakintaa looks up at Surukk. "Are you all right?"
Stormdancer nods. "It may be that... or that she doesn't dare to have them. Doesn't dare ... hrrrf. Well, it's her business, I suppose." He leaves his speculations for more private places and times, though he seems to care more for the leader of his longtime enemy than one might expect.
Stormrider says, "She said that she wished she had children that could share the skys with me, remember? I think thats why she left, me, with Gaerwyn, and Jenna with Surukk, it hurt her, more than she could stand, and then we where nice to her, she could not shield herself with anger at us.""
Stormdancer mhrhrrrms softly, and eats quietly for a bit, tail curled close along his flank.
Rakintaa brushes Surukk with one wingtip..?
Surukk sits back down slowly, watching after Eli until he can't see her any more. "We gave her a gift," he says cryptically. "Sometimes a gryphon does not know how to accept a gift so special." He looks to Stormdancer and nods slowly. "I wish that you could have gryphlets for me. My mate and I never could... of our own flesh. Lost to Windhaven forever."
Gaerwyn looks at Dancer for a while, and has a different respect for him now. He is as Gaer finds himself, caring about the leader of his long standing enemies. Not as long as Dancer has had them, but enemies all the same. And now she has placed herself in a vulnerable position. She has shown weakeness in front of her people. Worse, she has shown a vulnerability to them.
Stormrider grins a little at Surukk, apon hearing his desire for little ones, but he does his best to hide it.
Rakintaa says, "Well put, Surukk -- and moreover, a gift one literally cannot refuse..."
Stormdancer mms. "Altair's been so eager for you to sire off her I'm surprised she hasn't held you down for it, Surukk," he smiles. "But I understand. And you -have- made a child. Jenna is turning into someone to be proud of, I think."
Surukk flinches a little, but turns to his food again. "Jenna is her own gryphon, Stormdancer. She always has been, whoever she may have chosen as a ... caregiver." His old diplomatic ways surface again. "I would be unworthy of Altair's attentions in such ways; she has loftier standards than I could bear."
Rakintaa gives a low chuckle, apparently telling herself a joke.
Stormrider churrss softly to Gaerwyn, giving him a soft nuzzle, then moving over to Surukk, "Sir, I remeber what mom asked of you, if you will have me, I will be your son too.
Gaerwyn cocks his head at Rider. What's this now?
Stormdancer smiles, shaking his head. "You never did think as highly of yourself as others do, Surukk. Perhaps you might be surprised. I've been blessed with ... " he actually fluffs and blushes slightly "... well, rather a lot of offspring, over the years. They're very wonderful, and terribly demanding."
Stormrider glances at Stormdancer a little nerviously, but ducks his head a little to gently lay his beak over Surukk's foreleg.
Surukk has his turn to not know how to handle a gift. "It... it may not be something you would really want, Stormrider. I am old and I am losing... my place in Shrilk. My fortune is gone and my old aerie is abandoned."
Stormdancer frowns slightly. "I don't think that's what he means, son..." he says with a gentleness that's just a tiny bit forced.
Gaerwyn shakes his head...
Stormrider shakes his head, "Please, say yes, I want you to except me, and your daughter, she is allreadying trying to followafter your lead, finding Taareek, it has changed her, she was a dejected mess before, but now, she sees the hope that there is in the world.
Rakintaa frowns at the drake's persistence. "Stormrider, please."
Stormdancer likewise casts a disaproving eye on his son. "I think Surukk needs some time to relax and gain back his life, before being asked to make such decisions."
Surukk looks uncomfortable and replies, "The hope that there is in Shrilk now happened after I was gone. I have no responsibility for it. You should not look to me, Stormrider... it would put faith in the wrong place. Look to yourself. Look to your partner." He closes his eyes. "Stormrider... I think you are stronger and smarter than you give yourself credit for... you do not need my approval."
Stormrider sighs a little, but nods, and pulls away, but he gives Surukk one last nuzzle, "At lest some of that hope you created. Remember that please." then he turns and walks away, his head hanging low.
Gaerwyn tries to fade, once again, into the background. Embarrassed by his own mate. How embarrassing...
Stormdancer nuzzles Surukk's shoulder lightly. "Again you underestimate yourself. None of this would have happened without your example, Surukk. I've thought long and hard since you left the sphere, about much of what you have said, and tried to do. And somehow this..." he gestures around him with one foreclaw, "... this seemed to be what much of your work was leading to. I just happened to be able to cause your ideas to take form. Much though I'd like to claim credit, I can't, honestly."
Rakintaa brushes her beak against Surukk's. "They're right, you know... though I fail to see what that has to do with adopting Stormdancer's son.
Stormrider shakes his head a little, cocking a glance back at the group, "Sometimes you have to be inapropraite to get acrosse to someone, if I had not tryed, Eli would probly not have realized that we do not hate her, sometimes a wrong, can be the right thing to do." then he runns off, disapairing into the crowd
Stormdancer hurrfs, and looks over at Gaerwyn. "You should have known him a year ago," he sighs sympathetically. "You've got your work cut out for you, young drake. And I wish you the very best of luck in the years ahead."
Gaerwyn says, "I've worked with worse."
Rakintaa chuckles.
Surukk tries to speak a couple of times before managing, "I can't adopt anyone. I was a horrid father to Jenna... never able to care for her or teach her. I could not do any good for Stormrider. I have made a shambles of my own life, just imagine what I would do by being in his."
Stormdancer isn't exactly sure how to take that response from Gaerwyn, but is distracted by Surukk's words. "Your only fault was to never know limits. To never reserve for yourself. A fault of generosity, not of failure or incompentance, Surukk. You would give out your pinions until you were flying on down alone, and then curse yourself for being unable to give more."
Gaerwyn snorts. He really hate self-pity the most. Without a word, he walks up to Surukk and rubs his beak against the well-respected elder drake, then nuzzle his neck, and rubs down his side affectionately before walking off after Rider. If one can't see that one is loved, how can one love another or themselves? The young drake might have been right. Sometimes you just have to do it.
Surukk is speechless.
Stormdancer blinks in surprise as well, briefly slack-beaked. "Well," he manages at last. "I think young 'rider has met his match... I have hope for those two."
Surukk says, "I would, Stormdancer. I did. It was my madness that I did. But if it was all given for this night, then it was well worth it. I just wish he was here to see it. "Where he is, there is the sun." His absence is why Windhaven is too dark."
Surukk says, "I feel drugged... like this is some massive dream. A hallucination. I can hear and taste it... it is real, but surreal."
Surukk nods to Stormdancer, about Gaerwyn and Stormrider. "We used to be like that," he says.
Stormdancer sighs, and slicks his feathers. He knows full well who Surukk means. He rises up onto all fours, pads over close, and lays his head over Surukk's shoulders, hugging him to his chest for a moment. "You are here to see it for him," he says quietly. "Many hundredfold gryphons are here. You love, and are loved... " he shrugs his wings, then yawns. "There's only so much you can do. And I.... have been awake for far, far longer than I should be. Stay in the sphere, Surukk. Stay in your home."
Rakintaa says, "I won't pretend I understand that, Surukk. I'm a realist by nature, and that sounds poetic, but I can't fathom what it means. I can't empathise... so I don't know what I could possibly do for you."
Stormdancer does look as though two hard days of revelry (and probably at least one long night) have taken their toll. He sways slightly on his feet.
Surukk returns the embrace. "Only if the Sphere will make room enough for me, Stormdancer." It is mostly a joke, and so he smiles.
Stormdancer cocks his head sideways. "You're still the biggest belly I've known..." he chides, arching his head to touch beaks with Rakintaa, quite fondly. "I suspect there's space, though."
Surukk says, "Am I welcome again at Windhaven, Rakintaa?"
Rakintaa smiles gently, nudging Stormdancer back. "What did I say earlier, Surukk?"
Surukk smiles, getting a full crop.
Surukk says, "Don't make me be like old times, Stormdancer, and drug you to sleep so you finally will."
Surukk chuckles, finally of better humor despite himself.
Stormdancer chortles. "I think I may actually sleep without company tonight..." He gapes his beak in a long yawn, then gives his head a vigerous shake. "Though I may hunt up a certain hen in the morning..." He tilts his head and grins at Rakintaa.
Surukk raises both brows at that. "Limiting yourself to a particular one? How unusual...it MUST be a new age for Shrilk."
Stormdancer grins tiredly, his tail swaying. "I'm getting old... and it's been a long, long few days..."
Rakintaa clicks her beak. "I doubt it, Surukk. New age, perhaps, but not the end of the world."
Surukk says, "If I had a tenth of the virility of Stormdancer...."
Rakintaa, for all she shows, might have missed Storm's look entirely.
Rakintaa says, "Bah, you were just like him once."
Stormdancer blinks sleepily, the combination of over-exertions and plentiful pleasures, with a full crop and a bit of wine, are definitely taking their toll. "I think I'll take my leave for the night. Best of dreams to you both." He looks out into the crowd for Stormrider, but fails to see him, and turns to go to his tent.
Rakintaa smiles a bit. "One hears," she says simply, and stands, and stretches, to follow Stormdancer to the tents.
Stormdancer slows his stride when he hears Rakintaa rise and follow, quite content to walk close with her. Whether he joins her in her tent, or does indeed sleep alone, is best left to the imagination.
Rakintaa shakes her head as she comes up beside the drake. "Incorrigible," she mutters.
[2000 winter festival index]
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